“Time To Get Share What I Learned With Babyboomers Who Already Went Through, Are Going Through Or Will Go Through What I Have Endured Over 4 Years Of Compassionate Care For My Parents”

What a long, strange trip it has been…taking care of my mom and dad for 4 years. I have learned so much during this time that is of great value to anyone in the babyboomer generation.

The biggest changes I would make would be in the financial arena. Even though my parents thought they were prepared for the end of their days, they were woefully uneducated and unprepared in the areas of home and death care. After hundreds of hours of research, I discovered the optimal way that my parents should have structured their finances.

I need to get permission from the Economic Alliance of Associations to share some of their valuable information on how to be financially free and invest in all the different insurances that would have made the last 4 years much more enjoyable.

take care,