“The Greatest Part Of Our Happiness Or Misery Depends On Our Dispositions and Not On Our Circumstances” by Martha Washington

The greatest part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. Martha Washington

This is such a profound statement by the wife of George Washington. If you have studied the history of the United States Martha was the ultimate supportive wife. They went through events that were tragic as well as miraculous.

Since my dad died on Thursday, I realize there are so many other people who are suffering. When I focus on others problems and difficulties, my emotional pain disappears. When I stop being so totally self-centered and become grateful for all the good things in my life and the beauty of the world around me, I can rejoice at them and my dad’s death. He is in a much better place without diapers, a catheter and paralyzed left side.

When our loved ones die, it is so hard to not think of our own loss and how important the person was in our lives in a selfish way. I guess that is one of the good things about the death of a loved one. It forces us to evaluate our lives and attitudes in an entirely new say.

Change is always painful, but is there any other way to grow?