Ralph Zuranski Explains the Value of Using Frank Kern’s Mass Control Hero Marketing Strategy

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Rhea Perry: One of the cool things about being an entrepreneur is that nothing ever goes as planned, right? We have been the victim this week so far of planes being cancelled. Our next speaker was supposed to be flying in from California. He has a long story to tell which we’re not going to tell because of time constraints.

He just arrived. He was supposed to speak earlier in the day, but he wasn’t here. Now we’re going to have him speak. We are off schedule.

Here’s what a smart conference producer does. This is a trick. You always build things into the schedule so you can make adjustments. You’ll notice that at the end of the day it says we’re going to have Product Creation from 4:00 to 5:00. I didn’t have anything whatsoever planned for that hour, so you don’t have to worry because we’re not going to mess up here.

We’re going to bring our next guest on and he’s going to talk to us until a quarter to four and we will be right back on schedule. Everything’s going to be good. Then, at the very end of the day we’ll just talk about a few extra things that I wanted to mention and see what you guys think, put it all together, and we’ll wrap up right on time.

Is that cool or what? That’s cool, right.

You never know who you are sitting next to when you go to an event. That’s why I love networking because you need to talk to these guys and find out who they are.

I went to an event five or six years ago in San Antonio on list building. It was a Joel Christopher event. I just went in, sat down, and introduced myself and said, “Hi”. We were just talking and before the end of the hour was over, I realized I was sitting next to the smartest man I had ever met in my entire life.

We have become best friends ever since then because he is completely geeky. He knows so much stuff about how the Internet works and how so many different things with computers and all that works. We have become best friends and now he’s working with us as a technical advisor with our “Safe Gate” program.

He has a great story to tell you, but I don’t want to take up his time. He has so much stuff he’s going to show you today.

He’s from San Diego, California where he stays home with his dad. His mom recently died. He’s a stay-at-home caregiver, but he has an Internet business that completely supports him.

He also has a wonderful program called “In Search of Heroes”. It is a marvelous program. You need to get him to tell you about it at some time if he doesn’t get a chance to today.

I want you to welcome Ralph Zuranski.

Ralph Zuranski: Thank you, Rhea. Well, it looks like we have a wonderful, lively group today. As Rhea said, my name is Ralph Zuranski. How many of you out there actually have pet names? Does anybody have any nicknames that they give you?

What are some of the nicknames that people have out here? Give me just one.

Participant: “I’m Woody”.

Ralph: “Woody” is one. How about somebody else? “Jeep”? Who else?

Participant: “Pop”.

Ralph: “Pop” is another one. Okay, why do you think people give us those nicknames?

Participant: They give them as terms of endearment.

Ralph: When somebody calls you “Pop” rather than your real name, do you think you’re manifesting a different character than your normal personality? Do you think that’s true?

How about if you say something endearing to one of your kids or you say something to your wife? You’re sort of in a different mood, aren’t you?

Sometimes you can just go ahead and talk to people about the horrible day you had at work and how life just sucks, you crashed your car on the way home, or you just got fired today.

When you show up you’re telling your wife these particular things that happen to you and you’re bummed out. Usually, that person that shows up going through the process of all the stress and strain during the day is your dominant left brain personality.

Does anybody know that we have two brain hemispheres? Yes, there’s the left brain hemisphere that is manifested out of the right side. Does anybody know what the left brain hemisphere does?

Participant: It is analytical.

Ralph: Does anybody else have an answer? It is analytical, logical, judgmental, mathematical, and verbal skills. It’s the one that’s into competition and also time. It’s the one that basically keeps us alive in a world that is totally geared toward making money, getting things accomplished; doing things that have to do with talking, writing, speaking, and making money.

That’s the one that has internalized all the horrible things that people have said to us over our lifetime. Perhaps somebody has told you, “You’re fat;” “You’re skinny;” “You’re ugly;” “You’re stupid;” “You’re a loser.”

How many times have we stood in front of a mirror actually telling ourselves those particular things? Have you ever thought sometimes that you are your own worst enemy?

Sure we are! We have all these fears…all these horrible things that people have dumped on us over a particular period of our lives and we’re constantly battling.

Has anyone ever played sports before? Has anybody ever played tennis? When you watch TV and you watch athletes, do you think sometimes that athletes, especially a guy like John McEnroe, are their own worst enemies?

You’re out there and there is a particular thing you have to do like the big play, you’re the guy that’s running down the field. You have to catch a pass, and you’re thinking, “I’m going to drop it! I’m going to drop it! Don’t throw it to me! Don’t throw it to me!”

Sure enough, with that type of dialogue going on, what happens if the guy throws it to you? You drop it. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

How many people are here because you want to make money either in real estate or on the Internet? How many people are here who don’t care about making money, that just love doing their computer, and you’re just doing it for fun? Is there anybody in here that just does their computer for fun? Okay, a few of you just do it for fun.

Well, let me just get something clear. Everybody here just basically wants to learn how to make money on the Internet and also make money in combination with the Internet online and offline. Is that correct?

I’m here to help you do that, and one of the biggest problems you have is that you have to be able to sell stuff to make money.

Isn’t that correct? You either have to sell your services or you have to sell a product or you have to sell somebody else’s product.

You either create your own product and your product is either an e-book or a course, or it’s your services that you have to market, isn’t it? How many people do you think are competing with you with your product or service that you’ve created?

You are your product, whether you have a product like a book or something or you’re selling your services. How many people do you think are competing with you?

Sure, there are a million people competing with you! What do you think?

Everybody’s out there trying to either get a job or make money, so the only way you do that is to either sell somebody the idea that you’re worth them paying you money to do something you do that they can’t do, or you sell a product.

You basically either make money by selling a product or selling your service. Everybody is in the sales business. You’re either selling yourself or you’re selling a product. Anything you can do to make that more effective would be beneficial, don’t you think?

I’ve been marketing on the Internet for about the last ten years. I’m one of the pioneers in the computer industry. I started off in 1980 when they came out with the IBM PC. Does anybody remember the IMB PC? That was five grand back in those days. It had those 360 floppy disks; the software really sucked.

I did the IBM PC and, sure enough, my PC crashed on me. I don’t know whether they had them perfected at that time, probably not. However, IBM had the model for that particular thing, so I shifted over to Apple. They had the Apple II and the Apple IIe and they had better software than IBM.

They made themselves unique and they had a good marketing stratagem. When IBM first came into the market, that was it. If you wanted a PC, that was the primary one available.

Then Apple came in and they had the Apple II, the Apple IIe, and then they came out with the Apple IIgs. I don’t know if anybody remembers that, but it sucked as far as marketing goes.

We bought that one and all of a sudden there was no software for it. Plus, they weren’t supporting it in any way. We just dumped four grand down the drain on a computer that basically was a gigantic paperweight.

What was the next product Apple came out with? It was the Mac. All of a sudden, they found the thing that would target the market. All of a sudden, everybody wanted a Mac.

We were so disgusted that we had what we had that we called them up and said, “Hey, look. You guys aren’t supporting us. We spent all this money. Why don’t you at least just trade out a Mac for us?”

What type of attitude do you think Apple had back in those days? It was, “Screw you! We don’t care. We have a hot item here and we’re not supporting our product, so, so what?”

However, they created a niche market with their type of computer and their type of interface and it took a long time for IBM to catch up. The only way they caught up was to open up their source code so that everybody could do it.

All of a sudden they had a quantum leap on how many IBMs they were selling because virtually every computer under the sun that wasn’t a Mac was running IBM software. This gave the other developers the opportunity to write new software.

They basically took over the market for a long, long time, and they still probably are the dominant computer on the Internet just in real life and business offices because they allowed everybody to produce products. They dominated that market.

However, who is making a comeback now? It’s Macintosh, the Apple computer. Why are they making a comeback now? They switched to an Intel chip, so they learned something from Microsoft and Intel. Now they figure, “Well, if I had a Mac, wouldn’t it be cool if I could run IBM software and Macintosh software at the same time? The Macs are cooler, they work faster, and there are fewer problems with them.” Now they’re gaining market ascendancy; they’re now doing a lot better.

What are the reasons why IBM and Apple shifted their dominance in the market? What was the reason as far as their marketing strategy? What did they have to do to get a bigger market share? They had to be different, didn’t they? They had to do something that was either better or just incredible.

How do you think they arrived at that point to come up with that? Do you think it was a left brain activity of logic, judgment, mathematical and verbal skills, competition, orientation, and time? Do you think it had something to do with creativity? The answer is creativity.

The right brain is the creative, the spontaneous, the intuitive, and the emotional side. It’s the one that sees symbols and it is the one where your true genius is. What is suppressed in schools? It is the right brain. In schools, what are they doing as far as their teaching methodology? It is rote memorization, isn’t it? The kids who do the best in school are the ones that can just memorize, memorize, memorize, and they have the ability to basically dump that information in their brain. As soon as they take the test, it’s gone.

I was one of those people. I had the incredible ability to remember things for something like four hours. I’m sure a lot of you did that.

It’s like the massive focus on your material. You have four hours until the test and you get the book out. You’re thinking, “Gee, I better know something about this subject because the test is in four hours.”

You go through it, highlight it, and all this other stuff. You are a master at that particular talent because you have four hours of concentrated study, of rote memorization. Then you would go into the test, sit down, and it was all words. You were primed because you were totally into your left brain. You had no problem with creativity in any of those tests. You didn’t have to come up with anything. You just had to remember everything and you could ace the test every time.

I would go in there and boom! I would write all the stuff and I’d be one of the first guys done with the test. I would hand it in, walk out, and I would absolutely not remember anything about that subject ever again.

That’s the problem with schools. School is designed to just deal with one side of our brain hemisphere which is not the one used by the great people that have made all the money, the great geniuses that had that creativity. They either came up with a new widget or they took a widget that already existed and they improved upon it and they made the most money.

Who do you think made the most money, the ones who created a new widget or the ones that took a widget already in existence, that already had a market, and they made that widget better? It’s the second one. Why is that?

Participant: There’s already a market.

Ralph: That’s right. There is already a market.

Participant: You already know it works.

Ralph: You already know it works, that’s right. How many people here have made a gazillion dollars on the Internet? What’s wrong? What does everybody in marketing tell you to do? What do all the people teaching Internet marketing tell you to do that will make you a lot of money? They tell you to solve a problem. A lot of them are telling you that you have a story; you have to write your story. They say you’re going to create an e-book and sell a gazillion e-books all based on your life.

How many people do you think will find your life interesting?

Participant: My mother.

Ralph: Your mother would and maybe your dad and maybe one of your far-fetched relatives that cares. They’ve known you for a while and just for the sake of placating you they will actually read your book.

However, do you think there are many people that would actually pay money to read your story? No. Most of the time once you get done writing your story you don’t even want to read it. What is it? It’s your life.

What are most people’s lives? Do you think they’re exciting or just flat out boring? In most cases, their lives are just flat out boring. Once you get done writing it and you read, “Gee, this is my life. What a waste! What did I accomplish?”

You think, “Gee, how am I ever going to make any money. Nobody is going to buy my book. I’m stuck here trying to market my book to a world that doesn’t care about my story. I’m here and how am I going to make money?”

How are we going to make money on the Internet? Does anyone have any good ideas?

Participant: Creating marketing that does sell.

Ralph: Okay, when you’re marketing something that does sell, how are you going to get people to buy from you compared to all the other people that are marketing the same thing? What do you have to do?

Participant: You have to get their attention.

Ralph: Okay, you have to get their attention and appeal to their needs. Are there any other suggestions?

Participant: Do something unique.

Ralph: Okay, what else?

Participant: Offer cheaper prices.

Ralph: Okay, we’ll get to that later. The way that you distinguish yourself from the market that sets you apart is what?

Participant: It’s branding.

Ralph: What do you have to do to set yourself apart? What part of your brain do you actually have to use? You have to use your right brain. Your right brain is the creative, spontaneous, intuitive side; it’s the emotional side.

When you’re appealing to people as far as sales, what is the thing that’s going to get people to want to go ahead and get involved with you as a representative of your product you are selling? They buy you first, don’t they? What is the one key element that everybody tells you that you need to access? It is emotion; that’s correct.

Emotion is critical, but how do you stimulate people’s emotions? How do you get them involved emotionally? What do you do?

I’ve spent quite a few years marketing and there’s a story that’s told. Has anybody ever heard of Frank Kern? Frank Kern is probably one of the most successful marketers on the Internet right now. He’s been involved in some of the biggest product launches over the last couple years.

Through his copy he has probably been responsible for close to $28,000,000 in sales on the Internet. Who would like to get a piece of $28,000,000? Would anybody here like that?

In his methodology he’s been involved in Underachievers seminars and he sold a couple million of that. He was involved in StomperNet. Has anybody ever heard of that before? That was a very successful launch. He just recently launched his program called Mass Control.

With Mass Control in his particular copywriting he made over a million dollars in one day with that. He has been able to narrow in on the universal appeal that causes people to get emotionally involved with what you’re doing that makes them want to buy your product.

Does anybody have an idea of what that universal appeal is? Are there any guesses?

Throughout history, what is the way we pass down knowledge from generation to generation? It is through stories. We were writing about your book. Most of the time that is pretty much all about you, but for people to read your story and get involved in it, what do you have to do?

What Frank Kern has discovered is that the secret to marketing is marketing the one story that throughout history has always been responsible for transformations in society. That one story is based on a paradigm that historically has inspired nations; that has taken people to war; that has caused people to have peace.

Do you know what that model is? It’s all about the good guys and the bad guys; that’s correct. That’s one of the parts of the model; it’s us versus them, isn’t it? If it’s us versus them, it is a much more interesting story.

What’s the other part? If we have us versus them, what would be another part of that component? If you have us versus them, what do you have in that particular aspect? You have to have two things. You have to have conflict.

Participant: You have resolution.

Ralph: You have resolution, and as far as the characters, what kinds of characters do you need? That’s right. We need good guys and bad guys; we need heroes and we need heroines.

The next part of that marketing model is “home town boy or girl makes good.” Ultimately, people are going to relate to you if you can tell a story in a way that fits into this model, a model that has come down through history that idealizes the struggle that we all go through.

How many people here are villains? We are some of the time. How many people are heroes? How many people here are honest and admit that they swing from one side of the scale to the other side of the scale depending on the day and the things that are going on?

Don’t we all have evil and good within us? One of the people we interviewed as part of the In Search of Heroes program was Gregory Alan Williams. He was one of the movie stars who was on Baywatch. Did anyone ever see Baywatch? He was the black cop that drove the motorcycle. I think he was the only black guy on that program.

He came to Coronado and we had one of the high school kids interview him. He was a real hero. He actually saved the life of an Asian man during the L.A. riots. When he heard that there was rioting in the L.A. area, he was a movie star at that time with tons of money, he went into the community to see if he could make a difference.

He went in there and right at one of those intersections where you saw on TV they were beating an Asian man to death in his car, he ran over there, tried to get everybody back, and got the Asian man out of the car. Just about that time the mob was going to start beating on him and this Mexican guy stepped forward and took the beating so he could get the Asian guy to the side. One of the neighbors jumped in their car and took him to the hospital and saved his life.

Gregory Alan Williams said, “There’s a little bit of bad in the best of us and a little bit of good in the worst of us.” Aren’t we all fighting with that particular paradigm? We’re always battling with the things we do. It is like Paul said, “I wish I would do things that I should do that I don’t. Oh, what a wretched man I am!”

We’re all battling that. We know what we should and shouldn’t do, and a lot of times we get a mix of both, don’t we? There’s that constant war going on, and what we discovered is that there are two personalities inside the human mind. There is the right brain and there is the left brain.

There is the creative, the spontaneous, the intuitive, the emotional, the one that comes up with all the fascinating stories, all the things that are going to bond with your clients, that are going to make you unique, that are going to make your story exciting and make people want to be involved in what you’re doing.

Frank said, “To be successful in doing any type of marketing, you need to incorporate “home town boy or girl makes good.” All of a sudden, you’re raised up to the heights of the success that you’ve had. Then all of a sudden, something happens and it’s us versus them. You’re there and it’s, “What am I going to do? What am I going to do?” Something catastrophic happens like you lose everything.

All of a sudden, you become the reluctant hero. It’s the model that was created and has come down through time. Has anybody ever read the book by Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces?

It’s a book that talks about how throughout history in every culture the hero model has always been the same. The hero in a society follows exactly the same pathway. Irrespective of what society it is, what’s going on, they all follow the same pathway.

What happened to Frank is that he was an Internet marketer, but before that he was a loser and he was broke. He had a dog business and a flood wiped out everything that he had. He was at the point where he was just totally broke and all of a sudden, a little thing came in the mail and he learned how to make $4,000 a month through the Internet.

That gave him hope, so he got that, he read up on it, and he started getting involved in the Internet. All of a sudden, he figured out a model that worked using his “reluctant hero” and “us versus them” and “home town boy or girl makes good,” and he had a program called Internet Empires that was making unbelievable amounts of money.

Guess what happened? The government came in on him, froze all of his assets, took all of his money out of his accounts, and took all of his possessions, just like that. It ended up costing him almost $350,000 in restitution and legal fees.

Do you think you would be pretty down in the dumps after something like that happened to you? Sure. Do you think you want to just put your head under your pillow and cry and never get out of bed again? All of us would, but the idea of success includes making mistakes. Are you a failure if you get back up, learn from your mistakes, and keep on going? You’re not a failure. You’re only a failure if you quit.

If you’re ever going to get anywhere, what do you have to make a lot of first to be able to figure out how things actually work? You have to make mistakes, a ton of mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the faster you become successful.

What part of your brain is the part that actually gives you the answers to a lot of problems you come up against? Is it the left brain or the right brain? It is the right brain that is creative, spontaneous, and intuitive.

You guys are here today to learn how to make money on the Internet. I’m the major geek guy, Ralph Zuranski. I’m the one that’s the logical, the judgmental, and the mathematical and verbal skills. I’m here to share with you how I created the unique story that has launched me to the top of society and in the position of making millions of dollars within the next couple of years.

Would you like to hear my story? First, you’ve heard enough from Ralph Zuranski. I brought my right brain character, Captain Biorhythm, with me. Would it be okay if I introduce him to you?

I can guarantee you this is not an x-rated show. Allow me to introduce to you Captain Biorhythm.

I only have the top part of the costume. It wasn’t appropriate to take off my pants during the presentation. I was at the San Diego convention a number of years ago when I had my first Hero in Training. I was talking to him and he came to San Diego, his parents sent him to spend time with me so I could teach him how to be a real hero.

As a part of the process he told me who he wanted to interview. He was really into comic books, especially a guy named Jim Shooter. He was one of the editors for Marvel and the whole thing.

We went there and at the San Diego Comic-Con they had this costume contest. I had been going there for years trying to get people to get both of their brain hemispheres to work together.

It’s okay if your left brain works and your right brain works, but what happens if they don’t have any connection and they can’t get together? What do you end up having? You have a war going on inside of your brain.

You’re in a similar situation as the people doing sports and they’re screaming and yelling. I used to be a tennis pro and I used to teach my students how to play tennis. The fastest way I was able to get them to play better was to explain their left brain which is the logical, the judgmental, the mathematical and verbal skills, and the competitive, and the right brain which is the creative, the spontaneous, the intuitive, and the emotional.

The weird thing about the right brain is that it is the one in charge of life support. It controls everything that’s going on in your body. It controls all your biochemical activities and your hormonal activities. If your left brain is saying horrible things to your right brain, what do you think the right brain does, especially if you’re in a sporting activity?

It says, “Okay, if you’re going to say all those horrible things to me, screw you! You’re going to lose this game!” You see the people and their complete game totally falls apart.

Would you guys be interested to see if you have your left brain and your right brain talking to each other? I want everybody to get out a piece of paper. I want you to put your name on it. Is that a right brain activity or a left brain activity? It is left brain.

All of a sudden people are saying, “Oh, my God! This is going to be a test! He’s going to test me!” When you think it’s a test, what’s the first thing that gets into your mind? “Pass or fail? Am I going to pass this test? Do I want to take this test?”

That’s funny. That’s what happens to a lot of people. They just freeze up and don’t go any farther.

I have created this shirt over a number of years and different industries that I’ve been involved in. This shirt is actually a test of your brain hemispheres to see, one, if your left brain is dominant or your right brain is dominant and, two, whether there is any connection between the two hemispheres.

I would like everybody to take about two minutes and write down in order everything they see on my shirt. The back is pretty much the same as the front. If you’re wondering out of curiosity where this shirt came from, it came from the skateboard industry. I used to be director of the Pepsi Skateboard Safety program and these were the shirts that our Pepsi team had in the movie Skateboard. We had a Pepsi team in that movie, so I love this shirt and I bagged one for myself.

This comes from 1976. It is probably the last and only shirt of its kind in existence. Does anybody have a watch who isn’t doing this lesson who can give me two minutes? Let me know when it’s up. To put pressure on everybody, I want you to give me a countdown once we get to one minute and 40 seconds.

If you are having a hard time seeing, I can come by and give you a closer look. We’re counting down: 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, ten, nine. Is anybody feeling any pressure here? I’m just doing that as part of the lesson.

I want everybody to stop and put their pens down. Now I want you to switch your paper with a partner, somebody next to you. Everybody needs to partner up. Do we have enough people for everybody to partner up here?

We’re going to go around the room and I want each person to read what the person wrote down. We’ll start on this side with Susan.

Participant: It is black, red, orange, yellow, green, and purple; letters on sleeves, rainbow iridescent letters, ripped cuffs; Captain Rhythm Bio with a rainbow symbol, tennis, knit, yin-yang, mock turtleneck, black.

Ralph: Okay, Craig, read yours.

Participant: Tennis, rhythm, cement, Captain, foreign tread, yellow, blue, green to the right; yin-yang symbol, lessons, bio, rainbow badge.

Ralph: Okay, Marilyn?

Participant: This is just a drawing, more or less; Captain Bio, little rainbow thing, lessons black, red, orange.

Ralph: Okay. Go ahead and read what you have.

Participant: Rainbow, tennis, backwards and forwards in white; black background, jersey material on neck and sleeves; Captain Biorhythm written in black; San Diego patch with rainbow blue background; yin-yang symbol with two red crosses on either side of it; something written on sleeves in rainbow letters.

Ralph: Okay. Go ahead and read yours.

Participant: San Diego thing, red crosses, yin-yang symbol, stripes of red, green, yellow, blue, purple; tennis; Captain Biorhythm left side on sleeve, mostly black.

Ralph: Go ahead and read what you have.

Participant: I was hoping you wouldn’t ask me. I saw yin-yang with some kind of fabric, the cuffs, black and white, Biorhythm, tennis, two red Xs upper.

Participant: I thought I could write it faster in shorthand.

Participant: It is shorthand. The words are shiny.

Ralph: Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. Everybody give back the one they have so they can read their own writing. Go ahead and read yours.

Participant: I drew a picture.

Ralph: You drew a picture? Okay.

Participant: I put everything that I saw in there.

Ralph: Tell us what you saw.

Participant: Well, you have glasses and a nice little mic there with the Xs and the yin-yang; then the tennis and the V. I like the V, the way that goes with the colors. Then on the sleeves you have your San Diego and whatever that stands for.

Ralph: Okay.

Participant: I have the tennis, the red Xs and the symbol here and Captain Rhythm Bio, lessons, and the colors that make a V.

Ralph: Okay. Rhea?

Participant: There’s a yin-yang sign on a black background, the red crosses, tennis knit, white letters on red, Captain Biorhythm, black on orange patch, then patches with rainbow letters that have yellow; then a black/orange band.

Ralph: Okay, Denise?

Participant: It’s a black turtleneck with red crosses, yin-yang symbol, tennis written on red background, Captain Biorhythm written in black on an orange background, multi-color lessons on sleeves, patch with a rainbow on the bottom.

Ralph: Okay, Karen?

Participant: Striped colors with black sleeves; I drew those. Yin-yang; I noticed the colors, the Bio, the tennis, the white on red. The colored symbols on the sleeve was next. It was black letters on orange. Then the red symbols next to the yin-yang.

Ralph: How about you?

Participant: I drew it. I couldn’t write fast enough, but I’m very artistic.

Ralph: You did a drawing, okay. How about you?

Participant: I have a cross, a yin-yang, yellow, green, rainbow on the sleeves, orange Captain Biorhythm, black and gold, rainbow tennis, and lesson.

Ralph: Okay. Hannah?

Participant: Black, red crosses, yin-yang, white on red, tennis, orange on black, Captain Biorhythm, yellow, green, blue, purple, black striped sleeves, the words are vertical, green stripes, San Diego circle patch near the bottom.

Ralph: Okay, Laura?

Participant: I have black, two crosses, yin-yang, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple words, rainbow patch.

Ralph: Okay?

Participant: Plus sign, yin-yang, a red V, tennis from left to right, down, and then tennis backwards, left to right, same for Captain except the orange V and I from Bio is the orange; yellow V with a V and R and O; green striped, blue striped, and purple.

Ralph: Okay. Daniel?

Participant: I drew the two crosses, yin-yang symbol, then I listed what was on your chest and the San Diego lessons on the side.

Ralph: Okay. Jeff?

Participant: I did white tennis, black Captain Rhythm Bio on a rainbow, two red, even crosses; almost everything else is even; bright colors in the middle then it goes to dark; lessons on arms; asymmetrical from front to back; two crosses.

Ralph: Okay. Jan.

Participant: Two crosses, tennis sinnet, Captain Biorhythm, lessons on sleeves, six stripes, yin-yang symbol, San Diego patch, colors and black all over.

Ralph: Okay. Melinda?

Participant: Two red crosses, yin-yang, tennis written both ways, Captain Biorhythm, a round San Diego patch, the lessons on each sleeve, black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.

Ralph: Okay. Now I want everybody to stand up. Everybody that saw tennis sinnet, but did not see that it is tennis-tennis, I want over on this side, and the people that saw tennis-tennis symmetrically I want over on this side. Everybody that just saw tennis sinnet go over here. The people that saw tennis-tennis go over on this side.

How many people do we have? We have one, two, three, four, and five. How many people do we have over here? We have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16.

We have five people over here that actually can shift from their right brain to their left brain. The people over here got trapped on one side or the other; there was no communication between the two. The way I created this is with a lot of stimulus for your right brain and your left brain.

I’ve done this with thousands of people in the skateboard industry and in the health spa industry. I just did a big, giant seminar by Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazier. There were over 1,300 people there. I tested a lot of the people there and I incorporated a lot of people who do testing for me.

This is usually the average. It is usually close to 90% of the people who do not see tennis-tennis. Why do you think that is? What is the problem with the left brain with its logical, judgmental, mathematical and verbal skills? It always goes left to right.

When you get over on the side, does anybody think that sinnet is a word? It is; I created it. I used to be a tennis pro. How many people know what the word “sin” means? It means “missed the mark.” In tennis, how do you commit tennis suicide? You hit the ball into the net. The goal is to get the ball over the net!

I had to tell my students over and over and over again, “Hit the ball over the net, not into the net!” That’s why I created the word “sinnet.” It’s sinning at the net. It’s missing the mark and that’s what most people do in their lives.

They not only sabotage their tennis game, but they sabotage their lives because they get into their left brain which is the logical, the judgmental, the mathematical and verbal skills, the competition and the judgment. It is the internalization of everything that anybody told you that is bad about you from their perspective.

This is what happens in our society for most people. The TV, the news and everything that it’s doing is trying to throw us into that left brain which is where we have that competition; that’s where we have our fear.

Do you think that fear exists on the right brain, the creative, the spontaneous, the intuitive, the emotional, the one that’s taking care of us and keeping us alive? Heck, no!

That is the problem in society. So many people are trapped in either one brain hemisphere or the other and they can’t get out. You’re just trapped. You hit there and it’s like tilt! Can’t go any farther! You just shut down.

How many people here would like to help me test your family and friends and report back? So far what I’ve found in the United States –I’ve never tested any other countries – is that nine out of ten people get trapped in their left brain or in their right brain and they cannot shift from one brain to the other brain.

How much would you guys pay me if I could show you an instant way of integrating your left brain and your right brain and becoming a genius? What? A dollar?! I’m outta here! You guys are cheap, cheap! You brought me in to talk to these guys, Rhea?

If you have a bunch of left brainers together, it’s just great because everybody is talking a mile an hour and creating all this logic and judgment and loving the conversation. They walk away and go, “You know, I had a great conversation, but that person is just a dead fish emotionally.”

You get two people that are emotionally involved from their right brain, what are they doing when they’re involved? “Oh, how are you today?” “Oh, I went to the store, you know, and it was really great! There were all these colors and my kids.” They’re having a great time.

Rhea asked me if I would do it at no charge to show you the secret on how to integrate. I’m going to show you guys the secret Captain Biorhythm handshake.

Everybody stay standing because you’re going to have to go through this. I’m going to explain something. I spent 25 years in alternative medicine and traveled the world working with the greatest doctors in the world trying to find solutions to all these problems we’re facing.

I worked with a lot of doctors that were into acupuncture. Has everyone heard of acupuncture before where there is energy actually flowing through the body?

The energy comes in the left side of the body and it goes out the right side of the body. There are times when you integrate yourself instantly. You unconsciously know how to integrate your brain to get it to work together. Can anybody think what that might be? How do you do that spontaneously?

It occurs in times of great joy and great sorrow. Has anyone ever won a contest and they go, “I’m the winner!!!” Maybe there is a horrible thing that happens in their life and it’s, “Oh, God, help me. What am I going to do? Things are so bad. What am I going to do?” You’re wringing your hands or raising your hands.

All of a sudden, if you could take your hands and clasp them together, you’re completing the circuit; you’re actually bringing both brain hemispheres and completing the circuit within your own body.

I’m going to show Matt my secret Captain Biorhythm handshake. If I just shook one hand, do you think that would be anything special? No, it would just be like what everybody else does.

I’m going to shake this hand. What do you think is the second part of the handshake? There we go. It’s the ambidextrous handshake; you’re using both of your hands. I want everybody to do the ambidextrous handshake with somebody that’s close to them and just feel how good that makes you feel. That feels good, doesn’t it?

Like Lagasse, the cook, he says, “Let’s kick it up a notch.” Who wants to kick it up the good feelings a notch?

Well, I’m going to use Matt since he is within close proximity here. The best and fastest way to not only integrate you and integrate another person is to go like this. Take a person and put your arms around them, but what’s the important part of doing that? A true hug, if you’re just doing two hands like this, is that a true balancing out of your circuits?

What do you have to do? You have to put your hands together. I want everybody to find somebody to hug and I want you to just do it with two hands but not integrating the circuit. Then I want you to see the difference in the experience. First, don’t lock your hands behind the person’s back and just feel how phony that feels not connecting your hands.

Now I want you to do it again and lock your hands together and just feel how much better that feels. Is that amazing or what? Now you know.

If I was able to give you one of my special cards – I forgot to put on my utility bill as part of my costume – I think I have enough for everybody and I’m going to give you a Captain Biorhythm card. Your job is that you need to go ahead and test everybody that you come in contact with and keep track of whether people are left brain or right brain and whether they are truly a balanced brain person.

It will be something like one in 100 people you will find that will actually be able to do this. You will actually be able to see their brain work as they go from one hemisphere to the other. They’ll be able to do it in ten seconds or less.

Here’s what a totally integrated brain person will see. Some of the greatest geniuses in our society will look at the shirt and if they are right brain, if they start off in their right brain they will see the colors, they’ll see the Vs, they’ll see the symbols, and as soon as they get done doing that they’ll shift over to their left brain or vice versa. It just depends on where people start.

You’ll be able to see if a person starts in their left brain or they start in their right brain. Let’s say we’re dealing with a person who has a very powerful, creative, spontaneous right brain. They’ll see the colors; they’ll see the symbols; they’ll to the yin-yang; they’ll see the crosses.

Then they’ll flip over into the other side of their brain which is the logical, the mathematical and verbal skills, the language, and they’ll go, “Captain Rhythm, Captain Biorhythm, tennis-sinnet, tennis both ways,” and they’re done. They’ve seen everything in the shirt. Some of them will see lessons if they see that.

If you go and look at each of the things, what you started off at the top is how you start out with your brain hemisphere. That’s your dominant brain that is constantly the one you start off with things initially.

As you go down the page you can see that the colors and the symbols are actually right brain and you’ll be able to see how soon you switch over to your left brain. Then you’ll see where you got stuck for all of our 16 people that got stuck in their left brain at tennis-sinnet. Some people just stopped at tennis-sinnet.

Some people shifted back over to their right brain and saw more colors and other things, but to be able to see the secret in the shirt which is tennis-tennis, you have to be able to see letters as symbols and be able to see the symmetry of everything that we’re doing.

Most people are out of balance because they are left-sided or right-sided; they’re not integrated so they basically see in chunks. It is sort of like chunking. A true genius is somebody that integrates themselves.

If I had to do this initially and hold your hands together and explain the balancing, the test results would have been dramatically different.

Who would like to help me do my brain research? Who would actually show this card to their family and friends and then report back to me? Oh, no! I only have one card left! How much is somebody going to give me for it? This card goes to the highest bidder. I’m just kidding. I have a bunch more, but somebody is going to have to help me take them apart. They’re around here somewhere.

Who will help me take these apart and pass them out to the people who don’t have one?

You guys are now on the cutting edge of brain research. Why do you think I told you all this? Do you think that the Captain Biorhythm story is sort of entertaining? Do you think I taught you something about yourself?

What would you think if I just had Captain Biorhythm up here and I didn’t bring Ralph Zuranski with me? What would be the problem? Yes, you would think I was some type of psycho and you’re making sure that you keep your kids away from me. “He’s just a bit odd.”

I actually gave you a framework. You now have a context to be able to figure out, “Okay, he’s not as sane as I thought he was. He might actually be onto something, and he actually told me something about myself.”

I’ve been shamelessly promoting Captain Biorhythm because it’s something that was very important to me in my life. Back in 1971 I was a manager for May Company. One of the trainers above me showed me this book on biorhythms and he said, “If you learn biorhythms you can cut down your accidents and injuries and your mistakes by close to 70%.”

In Japan in the M’hai railway where they have 60,000 drivers, they implemented biorhythms and were able to cut accidents virtually down to zero among 60,000 drivers.

By being able to use biorhythms and understanding how it works, I discovered that I was able to cut down not only my accidents and my injuries in sports. I participate in a lot of dangerous sports. I’ve been a surfer, motorcycle racer; I did a lot of stuff. I was into martial arts and all kinds of stuff where you get injured in the process.

When I first found out about biorhythm I thought, “Oh, my God! Now I know the days that I’m going to hurt myself.” There are certain days you’re unstable. Initially, when I first found out about biorhythms, I thought, “Oh, my God! I don’t even want to get out of bed on those days!” There’s got to be a way of using it to your benefit.

I did more research and what they did in the M’hai railway in Japan is that they wouldn’t tell their drivers what their biorhythms were. They would say, “Today is a special day for you. We’re going to give you an empty box of candy. This is the day that if you come back and you have no wrecks with your vehicles, we’re going to give you a full box of candy to take home.”

What do you think was the result of that? Do you think they spent more of their focus on driving safer? They were focusing on the reward, weren’t they?

It’s called autogenic training. Dr. Taitai, who is in charge of all that, discovered that the hormones are the things that cause the highs and the lows. There’s a physical, an emotional, and in intellectual cycle.

The physical and emotional were discovered by two doctors in the late 1800s, Dr. Fleiss and Dr. Swoboda. They kept track of when patients got sick, when they got fevers, and when they died. It was just a statistical analysis of death and disease. They came up with the 23-day cycle where it was mostly referring directly to men.

The 28-day cycle referred mostly to women and they found that if you didn’t do surgeries, and there were dentists working with them, too, on certain days that they were able to cut the complications and extra bleeding down to zero.

However, if they did the surgeries and procedures at a different time, they had anywhere between 30% and 40% complications.

That was the thing that I discovered in biorhythms. That was 1971 until now, so that is a lot of years and I have actually worked with professional athletes. I worked with the San Diego Sockers and the San Diego Chargers doing biorhythms on the athletes and the goal is to find people that were the most balanced performers.

If you have an extreme life, the fluctuations in the curves are accelerated. It’s like a giant roller coaster. How many of you have ever met individuals who just go through the most unbelievable vacillations or who has ever been there themselves? There are highs and lows.

One time a year all your biorhythms join together and go up and down together in unison, so you have the lowest lows and highest of highs over a month and a half period of time.

Have you ever thought, “Oh, my life is just horrible. I’m going to kill myself. Oh, my life is so great, how come it can’t be this way all the time?” You go for a period of about a month and a half and you go through these swings. It is incredible.

Everybody does this. It’s just a part of human life. Those are the natural, biological cycles that we go through. In our society today, is it okay to be depressed? No! That’s not politically correct. What do they give you if you’re depressed? They give you any number of drugs to get your mood back up so you can be happy all the time.

That’s where we’re at now. By disassociating the left side of the body, the right side of the body, the left brain and the right brain, and not acknowledging the biological activity that’s going on in all of us all at the same time, it is basically accomplished by what they used to call witchcraft in the Bible. It’s called pharmacae which is using drugs to alter the human experience for a specific reason. It has nothing to do with how the body really works.

When I discovered that it was incredible. I became a part of the Pepsi Cola Skateboard Safety Program. I became the director of that and put that whole program together.

The reason I did that is that I was director of a skateboard park up in L.A. I had all these skateboarders coming through the park, breaking their legs, breaking their arms. I was just like, “Ah! I don’t think I can take one more kid with a broken wrist to the hospital.” It was killing me.

I decided, “You know, I’m going to use biorhythms to encourage these kids to skate safely.” By giving them an extra free pass or whatever, I got all their birthdays because it was on their charts, I was able to cut accidents and injuries down to zero.

I went from the skateboard industry to family fitness. There’s a chain of health spas in San Diego and I was in charge of health research. At that point in time they came out with the idea of the right brain and the left brain. That was when it first really came out. It came out with mind mapping and Tony Buzan. He was the one who creating the mind mapping book and he started talking about how we process information and the best way to use information to get it in our brains and keep it in there.

Everything we do now, the way we present information is totally opposed to the way the brain really works. I thought, “Oh, my God! There’s a right brain and a left brain!” That’s when I first found out about it. I’d been playing tennis since I was 13 and I look like Popeye on one side with the big, giant arm because I played tennis.

I looked like Rod Laver. Does anyone remember who Rod Laver was? He was a really famous tennis player. He and Ken Rosewall had these epic battles with wooden rackets where the ball would go over 300 or 400 times. They had to change balls after every point which is different.

I looked in the mirror and thought, “I have polio on my left side!” I thought, “Gee, how am I ever going to be able to get my other side balanced out? How am I ever going to stimulate my other brain hemisphere?”

I became a balanced person because I was having all kinds of injuries on my right side because it was so tight and over developed. At that time I discovered the value of stretching, too. I said, “You know what? I think I’ll wear my costume to work everyday and just become Captain Biorhythm for a year.”

That’s what I decided to do. I painted my car up as the Biomobile. I wore my costume to work everyday and at that time they were talking about studying rock music and stuff. Just play classical music when people are exercising. It was at the time when everybody said that fluorescent lights are really bad for you.

I had the early morning shift, so the first day I did that I showed up in my costume, had all the lights turned off, had classical music playing, and everybody walked in and it was like they were in an alter dimension. They thought, “What in the world? I had no idea.”

I had to go through and explain my theory to each and every one of these people. I did everything left handed for an entire year. I taught myself to play tennis left handed and I found that I was really able to help my students a lot more because I could look at what their tennis strokes were and if they were left handed I could actually show them their strokes. People learn better by telling them how to do it or showing them how to do it? It is by showing them how to do it.

I would show them how to do the strokes correctly and just explain to them the affects of gravity in tennis; I would explain to them the theory of sinnet. I had already done the test on them and I was able to get my students to find their hero within. By having the hero within it is their non dominant brain. For some people it is their left brain and for some people it is their right brain.

I showed them the trick because when I was teaching them I could instantly break any bad tennis habits they had by saying, “I have a special racket and it’s like a secret weapon. It has two handles on it.” I would get them to use my racket with two handles on it. By using both hands at the same time, it forced them instantly to integrate. It completely changed their whole pattern of how they were doing their strokes.

They were just doing them a specific way and all of a sudden they had both hands together into the activity and it instantly changed it. I noticed when they were able to use both hands, all of a sudden that dialogue that was going on and destroying their game and making enemies of the people on the other side of the court that didn’t like to be called horrible names; it was hard for them to realize the person was just talking to themselves.

A lot of times I wasn’t sure if that was just a way of people saying horrible things to me and saying, “Oh, I’m just talking to myself.”

However, the dialogue turned off and all of a sudden I saw people’s games take a quantum leap. That’s the same thing that happens when you use both of those brain hemispheres.

You’re probably wondering, “What in the heck is this guy talking about? This is supposed to be a marketing seminar. This is supposed to be using the Internet.”

Why do you think I told you this story?

Participant: You have to market yourself.

Ralph: That’s right. You have to market yourself and you need to have a good story. If you want to be successful in the Internet, you have to sell your services. You have to be either a technical person or you’re going to be selling something. You will have to sell yourself and create something interesting about yourself.

The model that has worked the best is “home town boy or girl makes good,” “us versus them,” so everybody can relate to your struggle, and then, “reluctant hero.” You’ve learned something of great value and now you’re bringing it back to society.

You don’t really want to, but all your friends have asked you, “How did you overcome that? That was just an overwhelming thing that happened to you? How did your survive? What did you learn in the process of doing that?”

By creating your particular persona, it makes a big difference. Now you can brand yourself as an individual. You have something interesting to say. You have to come up with something that’s interesting.

The worst thing in the world, and I’m sure you’ve seen this on a lot of the Web sites, is when the copy is boring. It’s just like, “What the heck am I reading this for?” People want to be entertained. Why do you think video and audio is so important nowadays?

Most people write copy that sucks. Forgive me for my blunt terms. It just sucks all the creativity out of your brain because it is so boring. It’s like, “Gee, this is just a total waste of time.” The only reason you would read it is that you are totally interested in that thing and you want every ounce of detail.

That’s your left brain talking and I can guarantee you that nobody will ever buy anything from you if your copy and your presentation puts the person over into their left brain.

One of the doctors that I work with is one of my heroes. I have amassed a cadre of the best of the best in the world for my heroes program to teach people how to be healthy, how to be smart, and how to market stuff on the Internet.

He did a research study at Stanford at the cost of millions of dollars. He took people who were natural sales people and hooked them up to all the electrodes and everything and actually checked to see what was going on in their brains. They would follow these sales people that broke all records in sales to see how their brain actually worked.

They would put people into an enibular (67:51) state. Does anybody know what the anibula is? It’s a part of the brain, sort of like the reptilian brain. It’s the part of the brain where you go for fight/flight. It’s the fight/flight mechanism.

It’s the same part of the brain that is used in virtually all the advertising on TV. Every TV program is designed to put you in the fight/flight mode so that all of a sudden you’re stressed out and they come out with a commercial. “Buy my toothpaste. It’s going to make your teeth white. Don’t be loser and have coffee stains. All the girls or guys won’t like you because you have coffee stains,” or, “You need this particular type of deodorant. This is going to solve your problems.”

They shift you over to the left side and then they offer you something that is the solution to your problem.

Researchers found that in the process of marketing you have to discover what the problem is that somebody has and then you have to stir that problem; you have to make it intense like they do on TV where you’re almost jumping out of your chair.

They have taken that problem and escalated it to such a degree that you’re like, “Ah! I have to have a solution! I’m going to run to the refrigerator and eat some ice cream or have a drink!” The idea is to do that in marketing. It makes a huge difference if you shift people over there, find out what their problem is, stimulate it, and then provide a solution.

They discovered in all the research they did over a number of years that once you’re in the left brain, no amount of arguing, no amount of talking to people about benefits is going to shift them over. You have to get them over into the right brain and there is only one word that allows you to do that. It was the word “however.”

Don’t ever say “but” because that flips them back into the left brain where they’re thinking about logic and judgment and they’ll never be able to make a decision. You have to shift them over.

If you use in your copy the word “however” you will be able to say, “However, I understand that you feel concerned. I understand that you feel uncertain. I understand that you feel anger over something that’s happened to you in the past and I know that my product will help you.”

Those are the exact terms that you use. Once you get them over onto that side, 95% of the time the reason why people won’t buy is a credibility issue. No amount of telling them benefits, no amount of telling them features is going to help you at that point because that’s back in the left brain. You have to get them into the right brain.

In that situation you use higher authorities. Frank Kerns in mass marketing says that if you don’t have magical powers yourself, then you take people that have magical powers and you bring their magical powers and say, “This is what Rhea Perry said about homeschooling,” or, “This is what Denise said about computers.” It is people that you know.

Just as a little thing about shamelessly promoting yourself, I just got back from the Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazier massive marketing seminar for the best of the best. People pay something like $2,000 or $3,000 to go to it.

Here it is 1,300 people and guess who is the only person there dressed in a costume shamelessly promoting himself? To prove that, here I have a picture of me hugging Gene Simmons, the former member of KISS and hugging George Ross who is the second guy on Trump where they do the different things, The Apprentice.

I showed up there as Captain Biorhythm. I was the only one in my costume, but everybody else was in their own unique costume. Mine was just a little more flamboyant than most.

I saw that there was a need for a hero in a situation when they were taking the photos. I had close to a thousand people that wanted to get their photos taken with George and with Gene at separate times in an hour.

How many people do you have to get through in an hour per second to get a thousand people in? I stepped in because nobody knew how to move a crowd along. I stepped in as Captain Biorhythm and I started crowd control and I was able to relate to the people. Because I was dressed in a unique uniform, all of a sudden I had a special authority that went beyond everybody’s desire to give me a ration of you-know-what because they wanted to stand and talk to these guys.

I could have shown you a lot of stuff on the computer, but it never would have got home. Either you’re going to be a person that does technical stuff and you’re going to sell your technical expertise and you need to have some type of gimmick or some type of story that’s going to make you stand out from the crowed, or else you’re going to create your own particular persona and story that is going to be able to relate to people emotionally. You’re going to provide value above and beyond and you know how to get them into their reptilian brain.

I think they’re getting ready to get the hook to pull me off. They only pull you from the left side with the hook. We have a bunch of left brainers over there. “This jerk! What’s he talking about creativity and emotion? What is wrong with that guy? He must be mentally ill. We’ll have to get him on some drugs or something.”

I think that’s it for me. I’m going to be around for this whole weekend. It’s easier to show you the technical stuff when you’re sitting there. Now that you have the framework I can show you all the different Web sites, what I’ve done using Traffic Geyser. This is a whole program.

I’ve searched for heroes since 1992 when I was a writer and photographer for a newspaper in Coronado to create a heroes program to help kids find the hero within their own minds and for parents to be heroes to their kids. All of them go on their hero’s journey together.

Participant: Have you had one career for each stripe you have?

Ralph: I have. Believe it or not, I have Captain Biorhythm; that was when I was a biorhythm consultant in the health industry and the energetic industry. Then I was a tennis pro for 30 years. I got a stripe for each of my different things. It’s not like the Chevron’s, but this is my costume.

Participant: Which one is the reporter?

Ralph: The reporter is lessons. I’m giving everybody lessons. I didn’t show you this. These are some of the articles I have written and had published in the Coronado Eagle Newspaper. This was at the comic convention.

Writing is everything. That’s the fastest way. When we do Rhea’s marketing program, Rhea and I are putting together a site called Internet Marketing Secret Tactics. We’re going to not only help you develop your story based on what’s working now, but we’re also going to utilize the most powerful software and strategies and technologies that are available on the Internet to shamelessly promote yourself and make you stand out.

The fastest ways is making videos, doing audios, and writing outrageous copy that just blows people away. It gets their interest and they can hardly wait to see what the ending of the story is.

Rather than giving you a bunch of “buy this software or do this or that,” we’re going to actually help you become two personalities in your own universe.

Wherever you go, there you are. You don’t want to be by yourself and you want to take your hero with you or else you just have somebody that’s just constantly beating you down and making your life miserable wherever you are.