2010 Davos Economic Forum Plea For Doctors To Save Humanity

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Allopathic and alternative doctors can save humanity the pain and suffering of different diseases by working together. World Leaders at the 2010 Davos World Economic Forum should demand cooperation.

Hi! My name is Ralph Zuranski. I have been involved in health research for most of my life. I was born three months premature and weighed only 3 pounds 8 ounces. It has been a pretty tough road for so many years.

I was forced into searching for alternative health solutions to the health problems that I had at an early age. At 13 I started lifting weights and taking vitamins and protein powders. I noticed a huge difference in the improvement in my health but yet I did not have the optimal health the other kids had. I was still a 99 pound weakling. so I dedicated my life to the study of health and human awareness.

I have spent almost 30 years researching all the different types of alternative, complimentary, wholistic medicine that is available. I found that most of those types of therapies are a major benefit to patients who receive them. They are a perfect adjunct to conventional medical doctors that have the conventional pharmaceutical, surgery, chemo types of therapies to help keep people alive when they have catastrophic illnesses.

I think the goal for every person should be is prevention,to have optimal health most of their life rather than differing degrees of sickness. My plea to the world is that the pharmaceutical companies, the conventional medical doctors, the hospitals, the alternative medicine doctors, complimentary medicine doctors, natural therapists…everybody that knows anything about health and healing and keeping people alive should work together.

They should use the therapies that are optimal for the person at the moment in time to help them heal so that they can be healthy and enjoy a high quality of life. If we all work together the world would be a much better place.

If we continue on going the way that they are going there will be no health care for anybody because the doctors will not be able to afford to be in business, neither will the hospitals. We will all be forced back to just natural health. And, that’s a good thing in some areas but it doesn’t do much for catastrophic illness, injuries and problems that people have. So, why can’t we all work together.