“A Miracle Did Occur Thanks To Your Prayers and Positive Thoughts” by Ralph Zuranski

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How can I thank you?
Your prayers and positive thoughts really made a difference for my dad. He sailed right through the surgery to fix the aortic aneurysm in his abdomen. All my family is very grateful for your help.

When I took dad and mom into the hospital yesterday morning at 5 a.m., the tension was palpable.
It was hard to believe that anyone that looks like an escapee from Auschwitz and the other death camps, could survive even a pricking of the finger.

My dad is 5 foot eight and only weighs 108 pounds.
We’ve done everything that we possibly can to the sum up, but nothing seems to work. Those darn medications have destroyed his hunger.

Dad is out of the intensive care ward and has been moved to his own room.
He is a little disoriented. About 12 midnight last night, the phone was ringing and I thought, “Oh my God, my dad has died.” But, it was my dad calling me thinking that my mom and my wife and myself were out in the hallway trying to get in to see them.

Dad demanded that the nurse call our telephone number or just to see if we were out there in the hall.
I talked to him for a little while and he seems a little delusional, but that is commonplace for people that go under the knife. It is an aftermath of the anesthesia. I guess you’d say the anesthesia is taking a person as close to death as you possibly can and still bring them back after the procedure is done.

We are excited about going in to see him today.
Dad still has a few days in recovery in the hospital. We pray he does well and that that nothing goes wrong. We hope to bring him home for a miraculous, joyour Christmas. Hopefully, his recovery will be fast and completed in a short period of time.

Again, thank you so much for your prayers and positive thoughts. It was you who made the difference between life and death.

Below is the next part of the story of the original Zuranski saga:

“Why do the simple, natural therapies have a beneficial impact on everyone?” by Ralph Zuranski

Hurray! My dad is showing improvement in small steady steps.
He can now open his eyes for a few precious seconds. His speech is slightly slurred but he makes perfect sense. He has not lost his dry wit or sense of humor. He recognizes everyone and is making jokes about his situation.

Who would have ever imagined the tremendous beneficial impact loving family members can have on their sick or injured loved ones.
Often, simple things like massaging the reflex points in their hands and feet and auricular points in the ears has an amazingly valuable impact. People, even when they are not sick or injured, are desperate for human touch.

Wouldn’t you kill to have some one rub your hands, feet and ears?
The power in the massage is knowing where the points are located that need special attention. You want to concentrate on the energy points directly related to the injured or malfunctioning areas. If you are willing to sacrifice a little of your time and healing energy, you to can help your family members dramatically.

Also, the health professionals won’t be freaked out by your actions.
Secretly, they are wishing you would massage them next. In most cases, they deserve a quick massage for all their diligent hard work caring for your family member!

Of course, this would be a great thing to do on yourself and for other family members to keep them healthy.
After a person has their hands, feet and ears massaged even once, they are anxious to receive these tender ministrations as often as possible. Why not get a reflex hand and foot roller for yourself. They only cost a few dollars. Then you can use it daily. Massaging your hands and feet by just rolling them over the reflex roller on the floor is so simple, yet so incredibly powerful.

You will be amazed at how sore the points on your hands and feet are initially.
When you look at the hand and foot reflex charts and locate your sore points, you will be astounded at direct relationship to your health problems. It is incredible how fast these sore points disappear. Massaging your hands, feet and ears should be a daily part of your new health plan.

When you are consistently massaging yourself, you will experience in a few short days enjoyable feelings of well-being and better health.
This is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to increase your health and vitality. The subtle energy systems balance throughout your entire body rapidly. I carry my inexpensive hand and foot roller where ever I travel. It is worth its weight in gold.

One of my missions as the “Holistic Health Human Guinea Pig” was to research holistic health therapies.
We traded memberships to the practitioners in exchange for my treatments. It was one of the major missing links to my health challenges.

What better way to see if the therapies were a fraud or really worked than testing them out on my own body.
Many of the therapies were beneficial, but at that time in history very revolutionary. The local “Holistic Health Newspaper” wrote articles about my experiences. The practitioners were invited to promote their therapies at monthly seminars for “Family Fitness Center” members. Every one loved the seminars and learned a lot.

Unfortunately, the owners of “Family Fitness Centers “were threatened with the loss of their lease for the La Jolla center if the seminars continued.
The conventional medical center that owned the property considered the therapies quackery. The practitioners were frauds of the worst order. The owner of “Family Fitness Centers” told me to forget the “Holistic Health Guinea Pig Program,” dump my super hero for health, Captain Biorhythm, and return to being Ralph Zuranski. He said, “You will get met more credibility without all that other bizarre stuff.”

To Be continued…