“Father’s Day Was Filled With Joy as My Dad Inspired Me to Give More Loving, Totally Accepting Hugs To Others”

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Father’s Day was amazing. I had the opportunity to think about all the great days I spent with my dad over the years. It was always a pleasure to thank him with a beautiful Father’s Day card for all the ways he blessed me financially, emotionally, spiritually.

Thinking about him yesterday was such a fulfilling experience because I know he is with our Father in heaven. He is enjoying a peace that goes beyond understanding, spending time with his wife, brother, mom and dad and other family members who are already in heaven. The fellowship and joy has to be incredible.

When I go to mass every day, it seems mom and dad are there with me worshiping God. Time slows down as I partake a small taste of eternity. Reality, every day I go to God’s house, seems to expand to encompass a dimension I have never before experienced.

I think the prayers of my mom and dad for me directly to Jesus’ ear is working. My grief is gone and I am filled with joy and anticipate the future and making the world a better place, one energizing hug at a time. Thanks DAD for the encouragement and example of loving people by giving them a totally accepting hug without any strings or stipulations.

take care,

PS Today is my mom’s birthday. I decided to buy a bottle of wine and drink a few birthday toasts to her. I definitely miss her and know she is in a much better place. Her last years were extremely difficult on her.