“His Dad Was Killed In the Line Of Duty When He Was Only a Teenager”

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Warrior Forum response

Dear Mohamad,

Thank you for your encouragement. I really appreciate your comments.

“Be a hero yourself and be strong.”

Sometimes it is tough being a hero in the matters of the heart. Running into a burning building to save people would almost seem easier because it is a one time event that is over in a few seconds.

“I lost my father suddenly. He was gunned down in the line of duty when I was still a teen and he was the sole breadwinner of the family.”

I am so sorry to hear about your dad being gunned down in the line of duty. Was he a soldier or a policeman? It is really hard to loose your dad so young. I am so grateful to have had a relationship with my dad for so many years. How did your family ever survive without your dad, the major breadwinner?

“Your father is your hero. Now you can be your own hero by being there for your father.”

My dad was my hero and I did my best to be a hero while taking care of him. But, it was extremely hard to be a hero all the time.

Sometimes, I just wanted it all to end so I could have my life back. The sacrifices you have to make are extreme. The financial difficulties and emotional suffering is
a catalyst to depression, despair, self-pity and all the other non-hero attitudes.

“It’s good to know that you are expressing gratitude for the blessings and the goodness that has been shown to you and your father.”

Words cannot adequately describe my gratitude for all the people like you who took the time to encourage me. If not for all the kind souls who supported me, I don’t know what I would have done. I had no idea the death of my dad would affect me so much. I loved my mom and suffered greatly with her death last year on April 16, but was not prepared for the recent passing of my dad. I guess there is something profound when your last living parent dies.

“Rest assured your kindness and compassion will not go unrewarded.”

Thank you for this assurance. God does promise, “Give and you shall receive.” I am confident God will reward me for my taking care of my parents.

take care,