“Poems In Honor of My Dad By a 10 Year Old Girl Who Knew Ralph Zuranski All Her Life

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One of the little 10 year old girls that lives next door, who knew my dad from birth, wrote two poems for him. They are so poignant I feel privileged to share them with you.

I miss your ralf. You were always kind, respectable, and fair to me. It seemed as if you were always there. There on my birthday, open and always with joy, there with tips on marigolds, popyseeds and more.

I miss you Ralf. You were a grandpa to me and I feel like you were put on earth just for me to love.

I miss you Ralf.

Second Poem

My head is spinning violently, and I know exactly why. I just can’t understand why people I love die. In my heart I know you are happy, up in heaven with your Winnie. But, if I had it my way, everything would change. You both would be down on earth, with your lovely house.

Nothing would be complicated. There would be no tears. I would not be wearing black with sound ringing in my ears. I wish it didn’t end this way. Although I think it fair that Winnie is opening the Pearly Gates for you up in the air.

So, even though it’s hard to say goodbye, I can really understand you weren’t really happy here, without your Winnie in your hands.

A stroke took you away from me, but joined you with your wife. I just want to say I’m glad I had you in my life. So, goodbye Ralf and Winnie too.

Please remember me because I’ll always remember you.

Rest In Peace Ralf and Winnie, a friend and husband, a neighbor…Here lies Ralf, finally his mind is at peace.