” Now I Don’t Want To Appear Callous Because My Dad Is Dad, But…”

Now, I don’t want to appear callous but it really felt great to lay in my bed at the Marriott in Chicago and sleep in on Tuesday. Having to get up every night to change adult diapers, administer water, adjust the sleeping position, retrieve the lost TV remote control, inject antibiotics over the last 4 years took a huge toll.

I almost felt guilty luxuriating in a hot bath, reading the newspaper and the newest Dean Koontz novel, eating multiple cartons of Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream. But, I had fought the good fight, run the good race, finished my course and persevered to the end of taking care of my mom and dad.

I could hold my head up high and feel proud I followed through on my promise to take care of them to the end. Needless to say, I miss both of them and living a fantasy life in reality is a way of coping with the grief and loss of the two people who loved me the most and accepted me unequivocally.

After having such a tough time in Chicago and people thinking I was a pervert, serial killer or secret monster, just because I wore a Superman shirt, I was depressed when I boarded the plane in Chicago to fly back to San Diego.

Even though I was proud to wear the Superman badge of courage, so much rejection over four days definitely took a toll on my positive attitude. I am sure if I explained to observers that I was dressing as a super hero to help me get over the death of my dad, I am sure they would have responded differently but that was not an option.

Anyway, as soon as the plane was in the air, I decided that a few vodka bloody marys would help my mood. As I was waiting for the plane to lift off, a young, beautiful flight attendant dropped about 20 plastic cups on the floor. She said, “This is typical. I am having a bad day.”

I asked, “What happened to you today?”

Her name was Sherri and she said, “Some one broke the window on my car this morning for no reason. There was nothing in the car to steal. Now I have to pay $79 to get it fixed. Everything has been going downhill since then.”

I replied, “Whenever bad things happen to me, I always know there is something good coming down the pipeline. I just have to anticipate it and look for it, believing it will happen. After all, the universe has to balance itself out by providing some good to compensate for the evil.”

Sherri was a little dubious, but I rammed my point home. “You have to believe that good will come out of evil. God says that the only way to overcome evil is with good. After all, I am wearing a Superman shirt because my dad just died and I was depressed so I decided to wear a shirt that would make people smile and me too.

Death really snaps people out of the past into the present. Sherri was sorry my dad died recently. I told her the story of my mom and dad’s great love for each other over 60 years and how my dad died within days of the one year anniversary of my mom’s death. I could feel the softening of her heart and see that her troubles were not so severe.

I decided to uplift her spirit and do the Captain Biorhythm test on her. She was one out of a thousand people who discovered the secret in the costume instantly. It is truly astounding to meet someone who uses both sides of their brain simultaneously.

I gave her the card and she eagerly tested three of the other flight attendants. They all were totally left brained. She got a good laugh when I explained the significance. The more I talked with her, the more I realized there was a huge energetic bond, almost a karmic relationship between us. I decided to test her biorhythm compatibility with me.

Sherri gave me her birthdate and I fed it into my biorhythm computer. In a matter of seconds, I discovered we were emotional and intellectual energy twins. We had 100% the same emotional energy and 99% the same intellectual energy. Literally, we were traveling the same pathway emotionally and intellectually. It was one of those “Ah Ha” moments were you recognized a psychic twin.

From then on, our conversation flowed into the most intimate areas, as if we had known each other for numerous lifetimes. It was a great and uplifting experience. She was a little astounded at our level of rapport but volunteered to become one of my brain testers, using the Captain Biorhythm card to test her family and friends and report back with the results.

The moral of the story is that I should show up as Captain Biorhythm all the time because I have a better opportunity of helping people get a good laugh. Also, by sharing with them the secret brain and body balancing techniques and Captain Biorhythm secret handshake and hug, I can make a real positive difference in their lives and those of their family members and friends.

take care,
captain biorhythm

Ralph Zuranski
Creator of the In Search Of Heroes Program
Email: rzuranski@cox.net