“What Happens To Society When the Greates Generation Is Dead and Gone?”

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Dear skystar2 from the Warrior Forum
My mom and dad were both in World War II. I believe Tom Brokaw was correct when he said they were the “Greatest Generation.” I agree that their values of devotion, duty and sacrifice for one’s family and country were deeply ingrained in them by their parents.

Yes, my mom and dad instilled in my the love of God, family and country in that order. When I think about when I was young, those values were shared by the society in general.

There was no social fear for young children being sexually molested, murdered or kidnapped for ransom. From the age 5 I wandered the streets of Ocean Beach with impunity, riding my bike, walking and running as far as my human power could take me. My mom and dad only wanted to make sure I was home for dinner and did not ditch school too often.

What a difference in the world today that is at war with the Christian values, morals and ethics of the “Greatest Generation.” With the expulsion of God and the Ten Commandments from schools, churches and the government we now have a society that is totally self-absorbed. They are locked into material possessions, a imaginary world created by TV and the internet and a destructive addiction to fantasy sex fulfilled and perpetuated through pornography.

Politicians, TV commentators and journalists twist the facts and come up with their own distorted truth. They try to perpetuate their perspective on reality by saying their vision of truth over and over again until people accept their distorted vision as social truth.

With no absolutes or right and wrong, every person now has the freedom to do whatever they want. The only sin is getting caught doing something the majority or the power hungry judges say is wrong.

The new morality is moral expedience. Political correctness has demonized everyone with a different point of view rather than the accepted liberal, socialist view that the government is the answer to all of societies problems and the politicians and bureaucrats are our saviors.

They know better how to spend our tax money on themselves by lining their pockets and paying off their cronies. Sometimes I wonder what every happened to “Mister Smith Goes to Washington.” We desperately need people in government who have honesty, integrity and ethics.

I truly miss the people of the “Greatest Generation.” I shudder to think what will happen when they are all gone and social revisionists have corrupted the morals, values and ethics that made this country great.

take care,