“When a Four Month Old Babby Dies Prematurely Sorrow Follows?” by Ralph Zuranski

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One of my dear friend’s 4 month old baby died last Thursday and the funeral was today.
When a young baby passes away unexpectedly, your reality is shattered. It is easy to understand the passage of aging parents who have lived good, long lives…but a little baby?

You do not know what to say to the grieving parents and family.
There are many scriptures and words of wisdom in the Bible, but it is hard to get them out of your brain into speech when tears course down your cheeks. Only God knows the time and place of our death. It is a good thing. Many of use would never be able to handle the pressure of knowing the day and time of our death without going insane.

When sorrow is your constant companion you might as well embrace sorrow and make it your friend.
With all the tragic events occurring in our world today, it is hard to look for the silver lining in every dark cloud. Sometimes we don’t know the good of something that appears bad or tragic on the surface until years later. It is at these times faith in God is the only thing that can bring peace to a trouble heart.

Next part of the original Zuranski health care crisis……
“What are the secrets of attaining and enjoying health levels that are adequate to enjoy life to its fullest without catastrophic disease?” by Ralph Zuranski

Life can be quite challenging when you’re trying to figure out what to do to improve your health.
Don’t you want to escape the quality of life threatening diseases like cancer, stroke and heart attack?
Do you wonder what are the free and the least expensive things you can do to improve your health and escape serious disease? This is the topic of our HealthyDoctors Blog for the month of July.

On a priority basis we will share our secrets of the free things you can do to get optimal benefits.
Breathing, drinking water, exercising and your mental attitude are secret components of an optimal health program that provides your with a healthy existence. Air, water and exercise are free. You definitely would benefit from adequate amounts of each. When you know the facts and quantities necessary for great health, you are on your way to a wonderful life.

Alternative, holistic and natural health therapies and supplements can also increase your health levels.
Many of these are inexpensive. Not only do you look younger and feel better, you have more energy. Your mental attitude improves. You are more optimistic. It is easier to keep a positive attitude…no matter what happens.

In most cases, things happen in our lives and those of our loved ones over which we have no control.
About the only thing we can choose is our attitude…how we will respond to the different events. It is simply amazing how much better life is when you have adequate amounts of energy…look good, feel great and choose optimism.

Janet and I are firm believers in prevention.
Now that we see the consequence of catastrophic disease in our families, we don’t want to go down that same trail. You probably don’t either. We need to be healthy and optimistic to help take care of our parents and sometimes our kids and grandkids.

Janet’s mom just fell yesterday, July 5th, and experienced two very bad breaks in her leg and arm.
She is 78 and has diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis and other symptoms related to aging. She is now under heavy sedation. The doctors are very concerned about operating because of her many other health problems.

Now Janet and I are dealing with two catastrophic health events occurring in different parts of the country.
“When it rains, it pours!” is a good description of our lives. Who could has imagined this would have happened simultaneously. We are still waiting to hear how her surgery goes on Friday.

One of my favorite uncles died from complications of Alzheimer’s during my trip across the desert.
We attended his funeral last Wednesday. He finally passed away after suffering for over 5 years from the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s. The long term trauma on my aunt and my cousins was immense.

When you see your aging parents and relatives suffering terribly, it breaks your heart.
For years I have been sharing health secrets with our loved ones, but in most cases it is too little too late. At the age 13, I became the family pariah after studying “How to be healthy.”

Few wanted to hear anything negative about their eating, drinking or exercising habits.
It took many years to learn it is better to, “Just shut up!” Only give advice when it is requested. And then keep it as simple as possible!

Janet and I will share the intimate details of our other experiences with therapies that have helped us tremendously.
Some of the topics will be: oxygen, water, nutrition, exercise, mental attitude, digestion, food allergies, parasites, elimination, balancing energy systems in the body and beneficial therapies like massage, rolfing, Shin Jin Jyutsu, hand and foot reflexology, auricular (ear) therapy, the Synchrodyne, Acuscope and Myopulse.

After many years of health research, the answer is clear.
Health is not a mystery. All you have to do is just use your common sense. When you ask the question, “What are the most important things I need to survive from a moment to moment basis?” The answer is right before your very eyes.”

To Be Continued…