Hannah, Captain Biorhythms Granddaughter, Interviewed Anne Walker At San Diego Comic Con

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In Search Of Heroes Program International

Grandpa Captain Biorhythm took his granddaughter Hannah to the San Diego Comic Con in 2007 to interview potential Heroes and Heroines. She was his third cub reporter who did a phenomenal job interviewing artists, actors and costumed characters at the Comic Convention.

Hannah asked 3 questions:
Who are the Heroes in your life?
How do people become Heroes?
Who are the unsung Heroes in our society that do not get the recognition they deserve?

Name: Anne Walker
Location: Glendale, California
Current Projects: Freelance, baby!
Past Projects: Random!Cartoons–“Mind the Kitty” (Creator) “Sparkles and Gloom” (Co-Creator); Flash animator and character layout artist at Renegade Studios
If you could meet any woman, living or dead, who would it be? Any of the female animators who “didn’t” work at Disney in the 1940s.
Turn ons: Good food, good conversation, good butts–and Sawyer from Lost. 😉
Turn offs: Large American-built trucks, water chestnuts, lint.

Anne Walker’s website “GirlsDrawinGirls.com.