In Search Of Heroes Interview Of Jason James Internet Marketer Was Amazing

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In Search Of Heroes Program International

Ralph Zuranski: Hi, this is Ralph Zuranski, creator of the In Search of Heroes program and I’m on the phone with Jason James.

Ralph Zuranski: He’s a young and up-coming star on the internet who has been very successful in marketing membership sites for eBay and is now coming out with a revolutionary product I think on July 11. Is that right, Jason?

Jason James: Yes, the launch of that product is called Uncut Internet Marketing Pro Launch July 11.

Ralph Zuranski:  Can you tell me a little bit about yourself, please?

Jason James:  Sure. I’m actually from Massachusetts and I was in the military for four years. When I got out I was looking for something to do.

Jason James: A lot of my friend had been actually making money online in their spare time doing things with eBay and such and all these different areas like a lot of affiliate marketing and stuff like that.

Jason James: So I got really interested in it. I thought I’m not a nine to five kind of guy so I started exploring the different areas and what I came up with was it sort of just hit me like a ton of bricks that this eBay thing is unbelievable.

Jason James: I got my start selling online with eBay and selling a few things from around the house.

Ralph Zuranski:  Let me ask you a few questions about heroes because you are pretty young. I think you are still right around 29, aren’t you?

Jason James:  I turned 29 in April of this year, 2006.

Ralph Zuranski:  Yeah, so the heroes program is to help inspire young people on how to be successful in businesses and entrepreneur. So the first question I wanted to ask you is what is the worthy ideal you are pursuing with honesty and integrity?

Jason James:  In business I don’t think you can go very far if you are not someone who is very honest and you don’t have integrity because when you are going to things such as live conferences and seminars and you go out and meet people, people form an opinion of you.

Jason James: People can see, at least I can. I can sort of get a feel for what type of person I am speaking with. Is this person a good person, a moral character? Are they an honest person?

Jason James: For young people I think it is very important to be honest and to have a high level of integrity. So that is what I would say.

Ralph Zuranski:  What do you want out of life in ten words or less?

Jason James:  Well, out of life in ten words or less. I would like to be remembered for making a difference in people’s lives. I would also just like to be very simple.

Jason James: I’ve had the same goal since I was young and that was just to be happy. To live a happy life. And like I said, to make a difference in people’s lives.

Ralph Zuranski:  What is the dream of vision that sets the course of your life?

Jason James:  Like I just mentioned I really have been very fortunate with my online business and it’s funny when you are starting out with an online business you are just going for money, money, money, me, me, me. At least that’s how it was for me when I was starting out.

Jason James: But as you come into a little bit of success and the money is there, for me personally all I want to do now is help people achieve success because it’s so rewarding to see when other people are at a certain point and they are struggling and sort of give them guidance.

Jason James: To take them on this path of, “I hate my job; I want to start an internet business. This is my idea and this is what I want to do.” To set them off and give them advice and mentor them and take this along this path and see them achieve success.

Jason James: For me seeing someone who emails me with a glowing testimonial like, “Thank you so much for your help. I was able to make this much money and I was able to buy a new car” or whatever. To me that is very rewarding.

Ralph Zuranski:  How important is it to stay focused on a primary goal?

Jason James:  It’s very important. Setting goals in general in life and a business is very important. I’m creating a product right now and I’ve poured my heart and soul into it. If I wasn’t into it you would be able to see that on the product itself.

Jason James: When people would be dealing with me they would see my attitude and how I was approaching things. So when you are focused on a goal and you don’t let external things distract you. It is very important to stay focused and to take small steps each day to reach your goal.

Ralph Zuranski:  Do you follow your hunches and intuitions?

Jason James:  Sometimes. I prefer to go with things that are more fact based. I’m not a guy that has a hunch and acts on it. I’m more of a good decision maker and I get facts and make good, educated decisions.

Ralph Zuranski:  What is the specific philosophy or philosophies that guide your life and your decisions?

Jason James:  Like we first talked about, I think it is very important to be a person of high moral character and an honest person. I also mentioned that when you come into success I think it is very important to thank those who have helped you and to give back to people that want to get where you are at.

Jason James: I think it’s very important to just give of yourself and not to be selfish and think “me, me, me” because I’ve been there and it’s not a very pleasant place to be. And you don’t make a lot of friends that way.

Jason James: So I would say to give of yourself and to be almost selfless in your life. Think of the other person first when you are making decisions and try to put yourself in other people’s shoes.

Ralph Zuranski:  What place does the power of prayer have in your life?

Jason James:  It has a big place in my life actually. I attend church most Sundays when I can. I pray every few days. Actually I wasn’t that religious and into prayer but I’ve been seeing a girl the past few years and she really got me into it.

Jason James: I cannot believe that up until the time I met her that prayer and belief in God and having faith was not a part of my life. More and more each day prayer is becoming a bigger part of my life and I think it’s very important to have that spiritual connection.

Jason James: So prayer for me is a huge part of my life.

Ralph Zuranski:  Do you think that prayer and having a spiritual connect with God and just having a spiritual relationship with somebody that has the same guiding principles as you do, do you think that is helpful in helping you attain a happy place?

Jason James:  Absolutely. My girlfriend that I’ve been seeing for three years and I hope will soon be my wife, when I met her things were not at a great, great place in my life.

Jason James: When I met her I started becoming more into prayer and into going to church. Half of my life got better and better and better and I attribute a lot of that to her. She really set me on the right path.

Jason James: It’s easy in life to make bad decisions and go on the wrong path but when you have someone there by your side to always remind you to do the right thing and that you shouldn’t do that and to always guide you in making decisions. That is very important.

Jason James: So my girlfriend has been there by my side and always led me on the right path.

Ralph Zuranski:  It’s valuable to have somebody like that. Are your goals and actions consistent with your beliefs?

Jason James:  I would say they are, absolutely. I have written down my goals and I write a daily action plan every night before I go to bed.

Jason James: When I talk to people and even simple things like email I am always going to be myself but part of being myself is having core beliefs of honesty and integrity and that is very important to me.

Ralph Zuranski:  I know that you spent a little bit of time in the Marine Corp and there is always that question of what are you willing to sacrifice your life for?

Jason James:  I would sacrifice my life for others, really. Actually I was joking about this with my girlfriend the other day. We were having a conversation that was very silly about taking a bullet.

Jason James: I just got two new puppies and it was like, “Would you risk your life for those puppies?” I’m like, “I would.” They are just four months old little Miniature Pinschers and I love them so much.

Jason James: If a bullet was coming at them I would jump in front of it, or a truck, which is maybe more appropriate, or something like that.

Jason James: I feel that I’m important but I also place a very high value on other life, animals and people.

Ralph Zuranski:  Is it valuable to have highly charged emotions about achieving your goals?

Jason James:  Most definitely. I think having a passion for what you do really shows to other people and having a passion for what you do will, I think, you will be more successful when you have highly charged emotions.

Jason James: When you are passionate about what you do you just put your heart and soul into something. Put yourself into a project that is very important and I think when your heart is into something life can go by much easier as opposed to something that you are fighting and you are not into and you have emotions but they are negative emotions.

Ralph Zuranski:  Is it useful to take a positive view of setbacks and misfortunes and mistakes?

Jason James:  Absolutely. I’ve had tons of, not bad things happen to me but unfortunate experiences. I’ve been there where I’ve been fired from a job. I’ve had money problems. I had my car repossessed. I had big-time credit problems.

Jason James: I’ve learned from all these different things. They can all be learning experiences. Granted I’m only 29 years old but I’ve been through a few things that have really helped me.

Jason James: Now where I’m at in the place in my life to sort of learn from where I’ve been. I’ve been down in the dumps. I’ve been there with no money, no prospects for a job, being a college drop-out. I’ve been there.

Jason James: All these things that have happened to me have contributed to where I am at now. I run a pretty successful business and I’m happy with where I’m at.

Jason James: In January of this year I was able to buy a house and I bought a car that I paid for with cash. I really attribute my success to having been in a bad place and having learned from those experiences.

Ralph Zuranski:  When you do have setbacks and misfortunes and mistakes is it important to have optimism?

Jason James:  Absolutely because no matter how bad things get for me or for anyone who is listening to this, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. You can’t appreciate life now as it is if you don’t have a feeling for how bad it could be. I don’t know if I said that properly.

Jason James: When you are down and not where you want to be it’s very important to just stay positive, stay working towards your goals and stay optimistic. That is very helpful and very important.

Ralph Zuranski:  Do you feel that it’s important to maintain a sense of humor in the face of serious problems?

Jason James:  I do. I’ve never been a big worrier. Things could be going wrong in my life but I always joke about them. When my car got repossessed I laughed it off, as serious as that is because I had no car. That is one of the reasons I got fired from my job because I couldn’t get there.

Jason James: It did damage to my credit report which is so important in these days. Everything is based on credit. I just kind of, well, it’s a learning experience. It happens and I’ll learn from it and I’ll learn never to buy a car that I can’t afford with $500 payments and I’m only making $800 a month.

Ralph Zuranski:  Wow, what kind of car was that?

Jason James:  It was a Mitsubishi Eclipse when they first came out with a new model. I went out and got one, which was really stupid.

Jason James: Cars are a depreciating asset. Unless you are really doing well I wouldn’t go out and buy one that you can’t afford. A car is just transportation from point A to point B.

Jason James: Especially these days there are kids who have these fancy cars and you know that ¾ of their monthly income is going to pay for that thing.

Ralph Zuranski:  Do you invest time in daydreaming about what your life will be like when you attain your goal?

Jason James:  I actually do, all the time. I have these goals for my business and for myself. I’m not a material person but I’ve worked real hard and one of the things that I want is a boat.

Jason James: I live in Virginia Beach, Virginia, currently. I’m originally from Boston. There’s a dock up the street and I want a nice modest boat to just go out on the water one day and relax.

Jason James: I feel that I’ve worked hard for that and that’s my goal is to have a boat. I also think about throughout the day just being able to do things like pay for my child’s college education in full when I do have a child some day.

Jason James: My girlfriend is actually struggling right now. She’s in a tough place in her life with her job. She doesn’t like her job and she isn’t making all that money. She has a mortgage and her room-mate moved out. She’s struggling financially.

Ralph Zuranski:  Yes, it’s important to have positive thoughts. Do you feel it’s important to make positive statements about yourself, the type of person you are and your goals?

Jason James:  I think it’s important to make statements for me personally. I write stuff down all the time. I keep goals on paper and I have post-it notes all over the place.

Jason James: Right in my office, on a big huge piece of paper I have characteristics of success. Things like determination, commitment, dedication, discipline, courage, so I have stuff all over the place with sort of positive affirmations.

Ralph Zuranski:  Do you feel that it takes courage to pursue new ideas?

Jason James:  It does take courage. Like I mentioned earlier I’m in the middle of a product launch right now. It was very hard for me to get started because as you get started and are working really, really hard on something you don’t know where it is going to lead.

Jason James: You aren’t sure of if you should even be doing this. Is this doing to work? Should I be doing something else that is going to make me money? It’s just very hard because when you are working hard on something, like for me in this new project I have thousands of affiliates who have said they will help me promote this thing.

Jason James: I have 20 different contributors who have made a video for this web site I’m putting together. There are times of doubts where I’ve invested all this time and money and is it really going to work out? Is it going to happen for me?

Jason James: So there are always times of doubt and I think it’s just important to just take each day as it comes and keep working hard towards your goals and put the rest in the hands of God.

Ralph Zuranski:  Do you think it’s important to be willing to experience discomfort in the pursuit of your dreams because, just as you say, whenever you have a dream and you are pursuing it there are times of doubt and discouragement.

Jason James: So how important is it to be willing to experience that discomfort?

Jason James:  Nothing great was ever achieved without some discomfort involved. If you want to be successful in online business, for example, you have to step out of your comfort zone.

Jason James: You have to attend live seminars. You have to email people. You have to get on the phone if you want to arrange a joint venture or something.

Jason James: It’s an American thing, I think, to be lazy and find the easy way and expect things to be done for them. It’s very common in our society.

Jason James: If you want to be successful I think it’s very important to step out of your comfort zone and do the things that are difficult for you, whatever it may be.

Jason James: I think when you are doing something worthwhile you are going to experience discomfort. There are going to be things you don’t want to do. I think that is just natural and if you work through those things you will be better in the end for it.

Ralph Zuranski:  Do you think it’s important and beneficial to make decisions quickly?

Jason James:  Definitely. Personally I’m a quick decision maker. Just last night I was with my girlfriend at dinner and we had been to this Mexican restaurant several times.

Jason James: I look at the menu for maybe 30 or 45 seconds. I review it and boom, I know what I want. My girlfriend has been to this place several times but this is a recurring theme. She takes forever. She has to keep telling the waiter or the waitress to come back because she doesn’t know what she wants yet. It’s like, pick something, you know.

Jason James: I think in business you have to be a quick decision maker. You have to think real quickly. Am I going to pursue this or am I not going to pursue this? Am I going to do this or am I not going to do that?

Jason James: You waste a lot of time dwelling on things that you don’t need to be dwelling on. I think it’s important to be a quick decision maker. Explore things in as much detail as possible, make a decision and move on.

Ralph Zuranski:  Once you make a decision are you slow to revise or reverse that important decision?

Jason James:  Personally, no. I’m not slow at all. I think business is sort of about adapting to change and adapting to things that happen so if I make a decision and I’m not happy with it I will revise or reverse it pretty quick. I’m not slow at all to do stuff like that. I’m one to take action quickly.

Ralph Zuranski:  In the pursuit of your goals and your dreams, I know you were in the military for a while and you’ve been challenged by loss of your job and loss of your car and I know that creates doubts and fears. How are you able to overcome your doubts and fears?

Jason James:  By not having any choice and sort of realizing that this is my life, this is the only life I will ever have; this is the life that God gave me. You just sort of have to have that hope that there are better times ahead.

Jason James: You just sort of have to keep moving forward and take one day at a time. Take things one day at a time and do small things each and every day that move you toward your goals.

Jason James: For me in those really, really difficult times when I woke up each day feeling really badly about myself but there was also this small part of me that was like, “Things are bad now and they can’t get much worse. So it’s going to be better times ahead. I know there is. Just have faith that there is.”

Ralph Zuranski:  Do you think that it’s important to readily forgive those who upset, offend and opposed you?

Jason James:  I do, actually. I learned this a long time ago. For example if someone wrongs you or if someone did something to you that you didn’t think was right I think the power of forgiveness is great.

Jason James: I can relate this to online business. Someone, for example, screws you over some way online and time passes and then as you come back and maybe that person comes back and they email you in the future and say, “I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. That was wrong. I apologize.”

Jason James: A lot of people would say, “Forget you; I’m not going to work with you.” But for me personally I think the power of forgiveness is powerful because what good does holding a grudge have? What good is it saying, “No, I’m not going to work with you. You wronged me.”

Jason James: When you forgive someone what you end up with is friendship and experiences. You know about that person and they came back and they forgave you and what you have is a friendship and a future business relationship.

Jason James: If you take the offence and want to hold a grudge and not work with them, what do you have then? You have an enemy, you don’t have that business relationship, and you don’t have that friendship. I think to forgive is very important no matter how hard it might be sometimes.

Jason James: People make mistakes and if they are willing to admit those mistakes it’s very important to forgive.

Ralph Zuranski:  I know that you have had a few low points in your life. What was the lowest point in your life and how did you change your life path to one of victory over the obstacles you were facing at that time?

Jason James:  Well, the lowest point in my life was when I got my car repossessed, I had four different maxed-out credit cards, I had quit college, I lived with my parents, I had no car, no money, no job. It was a really awful, awful time.

Jason James: I was actually able to join the military, which I think is one of the best decisions I ever made. I joined the Marines, which I don’t know if you know a lot about the Marines but that is one of the toughest, most disciplined branches in the world.

Jason James: Just the three months of the basic training itself was the most challenging time I’ve ever had in my life. So when I had entered I was sort of in this awful place but I got a new sense of hope when I joined the military.

Jason James: I saw that I had a lot to offer. I have a lot to offer the world. I’m a smart person. I’m serving my country. People are writing me letters saying, “Thanks for serving. Good luck in the future.”

Jason James: So I spent four years in the Marines and I accomplished a lot of great things. I was in school for 1 ½ years to learn my job and in my graduating class I had the second highest GPA and I had the highest physical fitness score.

Jason James: I got this award which is called the Warrior Award. If you are in the Marines you will know that once you graduate from MOS school, (Military Occupational Specialist) where you get trained for a job in the military, I was awarded what is called the Warrior Award which is voted on by your peers.

Jason James: Your peers vote who most exemplifies what it is to be a Marine, to have honor, courage and commitment. And I was voted that by my peers. There is a very special ceremony. I was in my dress uniform and I was awarded that.

Jason James: That meant a lot to me because when I joined the military a few years before that moment I was in an awful place and in two short years I was in this wonderful place. I had the envy of others.

Jason James: I was in great shape, I had a lot of things going for me, I had great grades in my military school, and I got this award. It’s crazy how that changed my life.

Jason James: I went on to serve and then when I got out I had this really unbelievable outlook on life. I was so positive. I was ready to take something and run with it, which at the time happened to be eBay which to this day is an unbelievable quick and easy way to make money.

Jason James: It’s so powerful and the traffic that eBay gets, millions and millions each day. A powerful thing.

Ralph Zuranski:  What would you say are the things that you learned when you were in the military because we have our military over in Iraq fighting there now and your life was at its lowest point? You say that your training with the Marines actually changed your life around. What exactly did you learn?

Jason James:  First and foremost I would say discipline. Having a task and having the discipline to follow through and accomplish that task. Before the military I was one to start a lot of things and never finish. So I learned discipline.

Jason James: I learned to respect authority. I learned, and this is very important and if you see any of my web pages you will notice that I’m a perfectionist. One of the big things in the Marines is attention to detail.

Jason James: We are talking about a thread on your uniform that is not supposed to be there. A tiny little wrinkle on your pants, on your dress uniform that is not supposed to be there. A little scuff mark on your shoe that is not supposed to be there.

Jason James: Have a shave that is not perfect, because you shave every single day. This attention to detail and everything that you do. In relating to online business that could be like releasing your product without totally testing the whole system so that it works and everything down to a T.

Jason James: So attention to detail and the core values of the Marine Corp are honor, courage and commitment and those things hold a strong place in my life to this day.

Ralph Zuranski:  I think that is probably something that would help everybody, wouldn’t it.

Jason James:  Certainly. I think it would.

Ralph Zuranski:  How important is it to believe in your financial dreams and that they will eventually become reality?

Jason James:  It’s very important because you need to have a goal that you want to reach because otherwise you are not really heading anywhere unless you have a goal.

Jason James: For a lot of people they have financial goals, which is fine. I have financial goals and dreams. I want to make X amount of money per month. I’m nowhere close to that right now but each day that passes I’m taking steps to get there.

Jason James: I have a goal so I know where I want to head and I know where I want to be heading. Once I achieve those goals certain things in my life will be easier. I won’t have to work as much and I’ll be able to buy that boat.

Jason James: It sort of motivates me. I want to have those financial dreams and goals to get there.

Ralph Zuranski:  Having been in the military, and there’s a lot of people that are putting their lives on the frontline, what is your definition of heroism?

Jason James:  Heroism is, I believe, giving of yourself for a great cause. Talking about the military I think the military is one of the most selfless things that someone could do.

Jason James: I actually have a younger brother that just got out of the Marines and he served four tours of duty, in Iraq twice and also in Afghanistan twice. He is a young kid, 21 years old.

Jason James: He was actually what is called an O311 which is an infantry man. He was in the front lines. He had incoming fire and he fired on enemies. A 21 year old kid out there risking his life so that we Americans can live a comfortable, safe life.

Jason James: To me my brother is a hero and if you serve in the military I believe you are a hero because you are possibly giving your life for a greater cause, which is so we here in America can live the cozy life that we live.

Ralph Zuranski:  Did you ever create a secret hero in your mind that helped you deal with life’s difficulties?

Jason James:  Secret hero? I wouldn’t say I have a secret hero. I have ideals that I like to live up to and I sort of see myself in a certain way. I don’t think I have a secret hero but I have this sort of ideal that I try to live up to and try to hold myself up to.

Ralph Zuranski:  Other than your brother who are the heroes in your life now?

Jason James:  Currently I would say first and foremost are my parents because they’ve been through a lot. They never really had money. Mom is a secretary to this day. My dad is a factory worker. Those are not very high-income jobs.

Jason James: I have two brothers, also, and they worked their butt off to give my brothers and I a life that we had, which was a pretty good life. It was a middle class life.

Jason James: We didn’t have all these great things but when I was 16 I was able to have a car and I had clothes on my back and I always had the nicest sneakers. My parents are just tremendous role models for the value of hard work and what hard work can do and being selfless.

Jason James: My mom and dad wanted their sons to have a great life so they just worked all week long really, really hard and a lot of their money and their resources and their time went to ensuring that their sons had a great life.

Jason James: As far as business I have role models in business. There are certain people out there that I look up to. Certain people that have that honesty and integrity and they run a business like I want to run some day and they have the income that I want to have some day.

Jason James: There are a whole bunch of different people out there. My parents and then just various marketers. I’m not going to name names but there are a few of them out there.

Ralph Zuranski:  How important is it to have trusted friends in a mastermind group to bounce your ideas off?

Jason James:  I think it is very important because so many ideas come when you are talking to someone with a like mind. I’m in internet marketing.

Jason James: When I am talking to other internet marketers just for a very short time it is amazing the ideas that just start flowing because we have like minds, we are on the same wavelength where all these great ideas come from when you are talking to people.

Jason James: Whether it be through email or Instant Messenger or on the phone or at a live seminar, you have, like I said, the same mindset and you just bounce these ideas off each other and all these great ideas result from having friends and people that you can communicate with.

Ralph Zuranski:  Do you feel there are any heroes in our society that aren’t getting the recognition that they deserve?

Jason James:  I think there is. Teachers are a group that comes to mind. Teachers get paid like crap. Let’s be honest. Where would we be without education and teachers? They dedicate their lives to teaching others.

Jason James: Also, going back to the military, people that serve in the military, while there is a lot done to recognize people in the military I don’t think it’s enough. The sacrifices that some of these kids, especially, make, I don’t think they are getting recognized enough because they really are heroes.

Ralph Zuranski:  I totally agree with that. Why are heroes so important in the lives of young people?

Jason James:  For me personally I think heroes are important because you have someone to look up to, someone who has a set of ideals that you want to have when young people get older.

Jason James: They have someone to look up to and someone to model their lives after. For me it’s my parents. They work so hard. They are my heroes because their work ethic and they are giving of themselves for a great cause is just to this day it’s engrained in my mind how hard they have worked.

Jason James: They are almost to retirement age and they are still working. They may not have a lot of money but every birthday or every Christmas that roles around they always have something nice for us.

Jason James: So when you are young and impressionable I think it is very important to have someone to look up to and have someone that you want to be like when you get older.

Ralph Zuranski:  What are the things that parents can do that will help their children realize that they too can be heroes and make a positive impact on the lives of others?

Jason James:  I think being positive. If I had a child I would try to be positive with that child. I would tell my child to be completely selfless, to think of other people first, to give, give, give, give because life is very short and it’s not going to be that great of a life.

Jason James: When I get old I don’t want to sit there and look back and say, “What have I accomplished?” If I had the attitude that I was going to do things for me, me, me and make all this money and keep it and not give to charities and not help people, I think that would be awful.

Jason James: If I’m sitting there on my deathbed and I didn’t make a lot of difference in people’s lives. So as parents I think help their children realize that they can be heroes. They can be positive, be good role models themselves, and teach them to give of themselves and try to make a difference in other people’s lives.

Ralph Zuranski:  How does it feel to be recognized as an internet hero?

Jason James:  It feels great, actually. It’s funny because I was at the point when I was first starting out that I was sort of like a sponge taking in information and I still am.

Jason James: I recently went to a seminar in November of 2005 and I got to speak for the first time. It was like the tables were turned. It was really a strange feeling. It’s a good feeling.

Jason James: People were literally lining up to talk to me and pick my brain and it felt great. These people were talking to me like I was some kind of god or something.

Jason James: It changed my life because I have all these opportunities now that weren’t there before. Being known out there and having your name out there it’s great because all these different opportunities can lead to bigger and better things. It’s been great.

Ralph Zuranski:  Why do you think that you were selected for this unique honor?

Jason James:  I think I was selected because, getting back to what we first talked about, I think I’m a good person. I have high moral values – honor, courage and commitment, my values from the Marine Corp.

Jason James: I try to take those things into my business and run a good solid business and try to help a lot of people. I have a web site that actually teaches people how to sell on eBay and people that sign up to that web site they actually get to email me for a year with all their eBay questions.

Jason James: I get tons of questions in and I just love answering those questions and helping people get their options up and running and making money.

Ralph Zuranski:  I chose you as my expert for eBay and chose you for a very good reason because hopefully the heroes program will help a lot of the military families be successful and make money on the internet as well as honoring the heroes in their lives – the moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, sons and daughters and husbands.

Ralph Zuranski: The people who really are, as you say, laying their lives down so that we in the United States can have a comfortable life.

Ralph Zuranski: So you think that being recognized as an internet hero will change your life in any way?

Jason James:  It may. Being recognized as a hero is great because people can now come to me and they can see what I’ve accomplished. I just want to help a lot of people.

Jason James: I just get so much joy out of helping people and being recognized as a hero hopefully more people will come to me and look to me for advice and I can make a difference in more people’s lives because I just love that.

Jason James: When people start achieving their goals and getting from that tough place in their life and getting to a really happy place in their life. That process and that road, being along that road with people while difficult at times the reward is just tremendous.

Ralph Zuranski:  Do you have any good solutions for problems facing society, especially racism, child and spousal abuse and violence among young people?

Jason James:  I really don’t. Those are just huge problems. I believe that racism is alive and well in this country. Blacks and whites, who knows if they will ever get along.

Jason James: Abuse and violence, I think, are always going to be there. We can do things to prevent it and education people but I just think it’s always going to be there.

Jason James: We can do things to reduce it, like I said. Violence among young people I think there is not much you can do. You can  do what you can about the gun laws or education people and try to make this world a happy place but problems like that I don’t thing there is one answer to it.

Jason James: There are just steps to minimize these things.

Ralph Zuranski:  I think you came up with one good answer and that is education. Educating people and what they need to know to be successful and to become people that can be successful.

Jason James:  Certainly. I think being educated and having the right frame of mind and knowing things that you need to do make a difference in this world that is very important.

Ralph Zuranski:  Don’t you think that having good role models is a good idea, too?

Jason James:  Absolutely, because when you have a good role model you have someone to look up to, someone that you can turn to. If you have a situation in your life you can say, “What would this person do” or “What have they done in the past” when this type of thing came along.

Ralph Zuranski:  When I’ve been interviewing a lot of the heroes a lot of them told me that they had virtual heroes like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Einstein. Even though they didn’t know them personally they actually read about their lives and then created those characters in their mind.

Ralph Zuranski: Then whenever they had questions they would go into their minds and ask those people questions and they patterned their lives after the people that they wanted to become like.

Jason James:  Actually I do have someone like that. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Howard Hughes? He was an aviator, an engineer. The movie with Leonardo DiCaprio called “The Aviator” was about him.

Ralph Zuranski:  I saw that.

Jason James:  For some reason he is just so fascinating to me. He was actually an old movie director. I have some of his old movies that are in black and white, terrible quality but it’s amazing to see what this amazing man accomplished in his life.

Jason James: He was a billionaire. He designed and built all these planes for the military. I don’t know if you ever heard of the Spruce Goose but it was the biggest plane ever made that is made of all wood.

Jason James: He actually flew it one time. No one ever thought it would fly because it was so big and it was made out of wood.

Jason James: If you have seen the movie “The Aviator”, Leonardo DiCaprio does a great job of capturing how he made quick decisions. He recognized an opportunity and said, “Let’s do this, this and this and get on it right away.”

Jason James: He was a quick decision maker. He didn’t spend a lot of time dwelling on things. So Howard Hughes.

Jason James: I have this thing with aviation. I’m actually in the process of learning to fly a plane and getting my pilot’s license and Hughes was a big-time aviator and I am so interested in his life and his career and aviation was a big part of his career.

Jason James: When I think of situations like you were speaking of I guess I sort of look at Howard Hughes and see how he would handle things. I don’t do that on a daily basis but he sort of is my hero and my role-model. He’s just so fascinating.

Jason James: If you ever get to see one of his movies, one of his first is called Hell’s Angels. It’s about World War One and has all these fight scenes with planes. It’s in black and white but it’s really, really neat. If you ever get to see it definitely check it out.

Ralph Zuranski:  I’ll have to. Well, if you had three wishes for your life and for the world that would instantly come true what would they be?

Jason James:  I would say an end to disease and an end to world hunger and I would say very important in this day and age peace throughout the world. I won’t live long enough to see this but hopefully one day my kid’s kid’s kids will live on a peaceful earth.

Jason James: Places like the Middle East, peace on earth. Imagine that. How unbelievable would that be?

Ralph Zuranski:  That would be great, wouldn’t it? What do you think about the In Search of Heroes program and its impact on youth, parents and business people?

Jason James:  I think it’s tremendous because you are just sort of spreading the right message and that’s the message of having heroes, people to look up to, staying positive, making the right decisions in life.

Jason James: You web site,, is just unbelievable. There is so much great information on there. It is so motivating to go to your web site and listen to interviews and see the difference you have made in people’s lives, especially young people.

Jason James: In business, you have been to these conferences and seminars and put up the pictures and take down the interviews and there is just tremendous information there for people to take and it’s all free. It’s unbelievable what you have done.

Jason James: I’m so glad to be part of it so thank you so much for having me in your heroes program.

Ralph Zuranski:  You are very welcome, Jason. You are the type of role model that I hope the young people will be able to follow and I’m just grateful for your help in the eBay program because I think that’s the fastest way that people can become an entrepreneur and start making money within a day.

Jason James:  Yeah, I know from experience. I mean, if you have something, and you might have heard this a million times, but there’s lots of things around your house. If you have something in your house you want to sell, sign up for an eBay account.

Jason James: Take a few pictures, write a good description, put it up there and boom. If somebody buys it now, you can have sold that thing in one day. It’s crazy. It’s a great way to make money.

Ralph Zuranski:  Yeah, well, it’s great. It’s an integral part of the heroes program is to help people learn business and learn how to write and take photos and to learn accounting. And I’m looking forward to your assistance.

Ralph Zuranski: I know how busy you are and I really appreciate the time that you invested in this interview. I really congratulate you on your new project that is coming out because I do feel that video is the most effective way of getting a message across.

Ralph Zuranski: I think you saw in our Heroes site some of the videos that I did of the Heroes interviews. I think technology has finally caught up with the ability to deliver audio, video and words all at the same time.

Jason James:  I definitely agree and I agree wholeheartedly. I think online multimedia in general, audio and animation, talking web sites and video especially is going to be huge. There’s going to be online TV stations and all these different things with video and audio. It’s just going to be the next big thing and I’m so glad to be part of it.

Jason James: The videos you have on your site are great. So I’m just trying to ride that wave as far as we can and take advantage of it.

Ralph Zuranski:  I know your project is going to be a great success and so I look forward to working with you. Again, thanks for your time.

Jason James:  You are welcome, Ralph. Thank you for having me on the call and the  project is called Uncut Internet Marketing. It is a series of videos made from some of today’s top marketers. That would be at if people want to get more information on that.

Ralph Zuranski:  Can you spell that out for the people that are listening?

Jason James:  Sure. It’s U-n-c-u-t-M-a-r-k-e-t-i-n-g, and the name uncut simply means that these marketers made videos that are real, uncensored, unscripted, unrehearsed. They just sort of made a video on what they know and put it together for me.

Ralph Zuranski:  That’s great. And then you have a blog on there, too, don’t you? Can they access the blog from that particular web site?

Jason James:  Yes, I have a blog set up with updates as to what’s happening with the launch. That is at

Ralph Zuranski:  That’s great. What I’ll do when I post your interview in the parts of it I’ll put up into maybe 15 or 20 leading up to your launch, which is going to be July 11. People can actually access it right directly from the In Search of Heroes blog and also from your Heroes page.

Jason James:  That would be great, Ralph. Thank you so much for your help.

Ralph Zuranski:  You are very welcome. So I look forward to working with you and have a great day.

Jason James is a young and up-coming star on the internet who has been very successful in marketing membership sites for eBay and is now coming out with a revolutionary product I think on July 11. Is that right, Jason?

Jason James: Yes, the launch of that product is called Uncut Internet Marketing Pro Launch July 11.

Ralph Zuranski: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself, please?

Jason James: Sure. I’m actually from Massachusetts and I was in the military for four years. When I got out I was looking for something to do.

Jason James: A lot of my friend had been actually making money online in their spare time doing things with eBay and such and all these different areas like a lot of affiliate marketing and stuff like that.

Jason James: So I got really interested in it. I thought I’m not a nine to five kind of guy so I started exploring the different areas and what I came up with was it sort of just hit me like a ton of bricks that this eBay thing is unbelievable.

Jason James: I got my start selling online with eBay and selling a few things from around the house.

Ralph Zuranski: Let me ask you a few questions about heroes because you are pretty young. I think you are still right around 29, aren’t you?

Jason James: I turned 29 in April of this year, 2006.

Ralph Zuranski: Yeah, so the heroes program is to help inspire young people on how to be successful in businesses and entrepreneur. So the first question I wanted to ask you is what is the worthy ideal you are pursuing with honesty and integrity?

Jason James: In business I don’t think you can go very far if you are not someone who is very honest and you don’t have integrity because when you are going to things such as live conferences and seminars and you go out and meet people, people form an opinion of you.

Jason James: People can see, at least I can. I can sort of get a feel for what type of person I am speaking with. Is this person a good person, a moral character? Are they an honest person?

Jason James: For young people I think it is very important to be honest and to have a high level of integrity. So that is what I would say.

Ralph Zuranski: What do you want out of life in ten words or less?

Jason James: Well, out of life in ten words or less. I would like to be remembered for making a difference in people’s lives. I would also just like to be very simple.

Jason James: I’ve had the same goal since I was young and that was just to be happy. To live a happy life. And like I said, to make a difference in people’s lives.

Ralph Zuranski: What is the dream of vision that sets the course of your life?

Jason James: Like I just mentioned I really have been very fortunate with my online business and it’s funny when you are starting out with an online business you are just going for money, money, money, me, me, me. At least that’s how it was for me when I was starting out.

Jason James: But as you come into a little bit of success and the money is there, for me personally all I want to do now is help people achieve success because it’s so rewarding to see when other people are at a certain point and they are struggling and sort of give them guidance.

Jason James: To take them on this path of, “I hate my job; I want to start an internet business. This is my idea and this is what I want to do.” To set them off and give them advice and mentor them and take this along this path and see them achieve success.

Jason James: For me seeing someone who emails me with a glowing testimonial like, “Thank you so much for your help. I was able to make this much money and I was able to buy a new car” or whatever. To me that is very rewarding.
To send physical mail the address is:
Jason James Inc.
11 Robert Toner Blvd, Suite #5 PMB 266
North Attleborough, MA 02763