The Simple Pleasures of Life and the Most Important For Happiness and Peace of Mind by Ralph Zuranski

Happiness is something many people take for granted!
Who would imagine sleeping in your own bed, wrapped in your electric blanket is one of the greatest joys of life. When my dad got home, it was his greatest wish to go directly to bed for some blessed rest that is rare at the hospital.

My dad still complains about the vampires always coming by to take some blood.
My dad labeled them vultures instead of vampires. I informed him the vultures come by looking for dead or almost dead patients so they can feast. The vampires can only get blood from the live ones. He laughed when he realized the distinction.

Life does not get any better if you focus on the small things.
When your take in to consideration a remote control, unlimited TV channels, good food and being in the bosom of your family, you realize it is the simple things in life that bring the greatest joy. Money, material posessions, cars, expensive jewelry, fine clothes and the other cares of the world are not very important when you have lost your health. So many people spend their lives accumulating wealth and material possessions but lose their health. Unfortunately, no amount of wealth or material posessions can buy lost health. Good health is one of life’s greatest blessings.

The next part of the origninal Zuranski health crisis saga is below:
“Thousands Have This Priceless Gift—But Never Discover It!” by Ralph Zuranski

The gift that few people ever discover is a trusting FAITH in the goodness of God.
Sometimes, it is very hard to believe God is kind, loving and compassionate. Does He really have a good reason for everything that happens in our lives and those around us?

Perhaps that is why catastrophic events occur in everyone’s lives.
God is trying to get our attention. He wants us to realize we are not in control of events. He is!

After reading my last update on June 23 are you wondering how the move went?
Do you hate moving as much as I do? Probably it is something you dread with a passion. The two biggest curses I know are owning a truck and having muscles. Everyone wants your help when they have to move. What a pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankfully, I don’t own a truck…only muscles.

Miracles do happen in the most unsuspecting moments.
Right after I discovered the air conditioning was broken, I went outside onto the balcony to try to cool down. Where in the world was I going to find someone to help me move an entire household the next day?

To my amazement, an angel arrived in the form or my upstairs neighbor.
A young black man named Corey was standing in front of my door. He asked, “Is everything okay? I noticed your blue car has been gone for a long time. I got the feeling something was wrong.”

My jaw dropped down to my knees when I found out what he did for a living.

After I quickly told the story of my mom’s pneumonia and congestive heart failure and my dad’s recent stroke, Corey informed me he and his brother Lamont moved furniture for a living. “We are off on Wednesday and would be happy to help you move.”

Wow! Does God work fast or what?
After I recovered from my astonishment at this amazing little bit of divine intervention, it was back to the roasting pit. My organizing skills soon collapsed after trying to bring order to the chaos in my wife’s dresser drawers.

“Why in the world would she save empty bottles of hair spray, makeup, deoderant, panty hose of all descriptions, endless changes of clothes, etc?
I just did not get it. At this point I was ready to throw all her possessions into trash bags and head to the dumpster. Would my guilty pleasure be worth her wrath? In a nanosecond I realized the truth…no way was I going to risk the fury of the queen.

“Was my male perspective on life and material possessions so depraved I did not know what was important in life?”
After about 4 hours, nothing mattered any more. Exhaustion was my companion…my bosum buddy. He embraced my tired body and whispered to my plumb tuckered out brain…”Go to sleep you idiot.”

As I fell onto the cluttered bed, the female treasures poked me in the side.
I was beyond caring…dead to the world. A deep sleep obliterated the events of the month and the fear my dad would die before I arrived home.

The next morning dawned with a new hope and trust in God.
I had survived the night without heat prostration, altough my clothes were soaked with perspiration. God was good, or at least that was my attitude for the moment.

My anticipation of savoring the first cup of killer coffee with a big shot of expresso, motivated me to jump off the bed.
A caffeine buzz from a delicious cup of Starbuck’s coffee beckoned. Luckily, there just happened to be a Starbucks across from Home Depot…how convenient.

Armed with a cup of powerful java, my trip to Home Depot ended in victory.
15 plastic storage tubs filled the back of my 1992 Lincoln Continental. My leisurely drive back to the apartment was a pleasant interlude before the hard work began.

Important errands needed to be accomplished before the intensive moving effort began.
My drive to CompUSA, to return a defective Sony PDA, took only a few moments. A young man recognized my problem immediately. He told me to pick out a replacement. I had wisely invested in their instant technology replacement warranty two years earlier.

Unfortunately, nothing was available for $599.99, the original price of the Sony Clie.
The employee offered to give me a store credit so I could buy a lesser unit. This allowed me to use the full amount of my intial investment. This was awesome…another miracle. Normally, there were tons of units in stock that matched or exceeded the price. This allowed me the opportunity to get some other technology I needed desperately without any outlay of cash.

Other errands filled the entire day as everything flowed smoothly.
I dropped off two bottles of New Vision liquids at “Nates,” a friend’s business in Addison, Texas, the best cajun restaurant in town. One was vitamins with Mangosteen and the other a bottle of herbs that help women be victorious over the uncomfortable sensations caused by the hormonal imbalances of menopause. Then I returned the toll tags.

My heart broke as I stopped by the healing center in Dallas where Janet and I went after she fractured her back when her car was totaled and I was smashed by a prematurely closing elevator door.
Doctor Gary and Andrew were compassionate and understanding. They were sorry to hear my tale of woe. Dr. Andrew, who is a master of SOT, balanced my sacrum(pelvis), occiput(skull) and thoracics(upper back) to prepare me for the heavy labor to come. I was sorry not to be able to say goodbye to one of the best rolfers on the planet, Richard Merbler.

Next was a trip to Dr. Al Johnson’s Environmental Clinic in Richardson where the amazing Synchrodyne had found a home.
Dr. Johnson asked how my dad and mom were doing. He has hyperbaric chambers at his clinic for wound healing. I just wished my dad were here so he could benefit from the powerful infusion of oxygen into all his cells.

After a year’s training, a new Synchrodyne guru was ready to help patients at Dr. Johnsons.
Frank Yousuf, the son of the owner of the Synchrodyne, tested me to determine what homeopathics would further balance out my energy fields and acupuncture energy. I needed every edge possible to survive the next couple of days. I tested him and wished his family a fond farewell.

As I was driving to the only Verizon office in Dallas that had a computer data transfer cable for my cell phone to check my email, my heart suddenly dropped into the pit of my stomach as the engine died in the middle of a busy intersection.

To Be Continued…