Help, Get Me Out of the Hospital by Ralph Zuranski

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Janet, my mom and I went to visit dad at the hospital yesterday.
Dad looked great. I joked with him about the surgery and chasing the nurses around the floor with one paralyzed leg…he appreciates hyperbole…exaggerating everything so much the bizarreness of it all just makes you laugh.

Dad was ready to get dressed and come home with us.
He was very upset that he could not. The doctor said he needed more recovery time. He did seem a little disoriented on what time of day it was.

How will I ever get any sleep?
Aaah! The opportunity to get some much needed sleep was a wonderful thought. As I lay down on my bed, I anticipated 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Suddenly, I was shocked awake by the ringing of the phone.
I leapt to my feet and raced to pick it up. It was my dad. “Come get me. My leg is itching really bad.” I explained to my dad it was 11 PM and I was sleeping. He said, “Okay.”

Every fifteen minutes after that the ringing of the phone broke into my efforts to get some sleep.
After the third time of telling dad I was sleeping and there was nothing I could do for him that late at night, I finally unplugged the phone. I guess with all the anesthesia, my dad does not realize he only has to tell me once about his desire to come home.

Dad must of called a million times with the phone ringing, ringing, ringing, ringing on his side but blessed silence on my end.
When I woke this morning, as soon as I plugged the telephone line into the phone, it rang. “Hi Dad, how is it going.” “Ralph,” he said, “I want to come home!” “I know dad. Wait till the doctor checks you out and I will come and get you.” “Okay” he said and meekly hung up.

I will let you know how it goes.
Today, before dad comes home, Janet and I are escaping to the movies to see “King Kong.” It is going to be an awesome day.

We will find out more today.

The original Zuranski health saga next part is below…

“Why doesn’t conventional medicine keep an open mind about new and ancient therapies that are effective?” by Ralph Zuranski

Why doesn’t the conventional medicine doctors, nurses and hospitals keep an open mind?
On Sunday and Monday we spent time with my father. Friday and Saturday we were elated because he seemed to be getting a little better…if only in small noticeable steps.

These last two days, he does not look so good.
Dad still cannot swallow or move his left side. He can hold his eyes open for longer periods of time, but that seems to be decreasing. We both were very depressed today at his apparent decline. It is a day-to-day battle….forward-backward, one step forward-two back. At least, I pray this is true and that he will get better.

Dad hated the feeding tube down the the nose so he consciously or unconsciously pulled it out during the night.
How agonizing is it when you cannot enjoy the food you love? Dad is a gourmet cook. He loves food with wild flavors and different consistencies. The white liquid dripped into his stomach has no taste. Anything pumped down the nose and into the stomach bypasses all of the taste organs.

We wonder how in the world he could be getting the protein, vitamins and carbohydrates required to heal his body.
Can dad’s body even identify this solution as nutritious? It is a frustrating situation when we are aware of the recommendations by the Doctors in the Alternative Medicine Hall Of Fame. If only the doctors and nurses would provide the therapies that would speed his healing and ease his suffering. Experiencing powerless promotes humbleness.

Years ago, there was a study on patients who were continuing to deteriorate over a period of months that were being fed through tubes.
For many years doctors and researchers wondered why patients who could not swallow continued to get sicker and eventually die. They were fed through tubes surgically inserted directly into their stomachs. After many studies over a long period of time, they were perplexed. The formula had been changed constantly without any improvement.

Finally, one brilliant researcher decided there must be a connection between the mouth, chewing and the process of digestion.
This one pioneering individual suddenly decided to have patients chew the same nutrient combination pumped into the stomach and then spit it out. In a short period of time the patients improved dramatically.

Just by chewing the food and then spitting it out, this activity sent valuable clues to the body’s digestive system how to process the nutrients.
This is not rocket science! The chewing process signals to the digestive system what juices to add at each stage of digestion. Protein needs lots of acid. Carbohydrates require an alkaline medium.

When you mix two different food groups, like protein and carbohydrates, the acid and alkaline digestive juices cancel out each other.
This minimizes digestion and absorption. In many cases, the food becomes a toxic waste the body must neutralize. When people are in poor health, proper food combining is another secret technique that can make the difference between life and death, disease and optimal health. In the near future I will create a report on “Just How Important Food Combination Really Is!”

Dad had to be transported today back to a crisis medical care hospital to have a new feeding tube inserted down his nose and throat.
Before he left, I spent a half hour shaving his face, trimming nose, ear and eyebrow hairs growing out of control. He looked so much better after this intense beautification process. It is amazing just how prolific hair growth can be, even when someone is ill. Just this small act seemed to lift his spirits.

Still, I cried inside as his left hand and leg did not move…motionless.
He could barely talk. He coughed often to clear his lungs of the sticky mucus that constricts his breathing. While waiting for the ambulance crew, I secretly placed the Life Field Polarizer on his chest under his covers. We played Mozart’s healing music to integrate his brain and calm his spirit.

Tenderly I placed my right hand on his left shoulder.
My goal was to provide a feeling or love and reassurance through human touch. Also, I wanted to transfer some of my own healing energy into his frail body.

According to acupuncture masters, energy comes into the body through the left hand and foot and exits through the right side of the body.
Energy then flows through the entire acupuncture meridian system. Then it exits the right side of the body. By placing my right hand on dad’s left side, it is the most efficient method of transferring energy.

When the nurse came in to take another endless sample of blood we cringed.
Janet hid the Life Field Polarizer. Dad’s poor veins rebelled at being assaulted one more time…most of them already black and blue from previous punctures. It was difficult to find a vein willing to provide one more drop of life’s precious liquid.

Everyone hates needles and getting punctured.
It seems a cruel and usual process just about every patient suffers. Is it no wonder everyone fears experiencing any event that lands them into a hospital.

Why is it that in the last 60 days of the lives of senior citizens a heroic effort is made to keep them alive a few more days?
There is such a struggle in this country. It seems everyone focuses on keeping patients alive at any cost. Wouldn’t it be more considerate to end their time on this earth in peace and dignity.

Is life so precious that the quality of one’s existence is ignored?
Why torture elderly patients with all manner of punctures, tubes and tests. It is so frustrating and perplexing when simple inexpensive therapies exist that really make a positive difference.

If only the beneficial therapies that are used in some progressive, alternative medicine oriented hospitals and other countries were allowed in every hospital in the United States.
It would be great if the therapies patients received increased their health and speeded their recovery. Why prolong a patient’s misery just to increase the hospital’s financial bottom line?

If only we could stage a hospital break.
Janet and I considered pulling down dads covers, throwing him over our shoulders and racing for an exit. But, what could we do at home…no special bed, unskilled at inserting feeding tubes and IVs and untrained at physical therapy. Sometimes, a feeling of hopelessness permeates our beings like a dense fog obscures the bright, radiant sunlight.

We can only leave dad in the capable hands of God.
God is in control of all life. His ways are not our ways. In moments like these, our faith in a loving creator is our only hope and peace. When there is nothing you can do physically to change a situation, prayer seems the only avenue available.

Using something as beneficial as a Life Field Polarizer is scorned by most people.
Dad was one of the few who acknowledged that energy medicine has its own special place. He allowed me to place a Life Field Polarizer on an electric cord in the house 25 years ago. He did not question me when I claimed the polarizer would make the EMF radiation coming from all electrical devices strengthening rather than weakening.

All life including man consists of subtle electrical fields which control such vital functions as growth, metabolism, thought, movement, etc.
The human body, composed of ions, minerals and a high percentage water, is a strong conductor of energy and like metal is a very effective antenna structure. It has an inconceivably intricate biocomputer system which controls and orders biological processes.

The subtle energy field of the body provides the instructions for the reproduction, division, and function of all cells.
Any disruption in the integrity of this critically important biocomputer and subtle energy field can be devastating to the correct and effective functioning of all organ systems, especially the brain.

When I arrived home, the first thing I checked was to see if the Polarizer was still on an electrical cord.
Some how it had been moved off the electrical cord and was sitting uselessly on the carpet. We wondered it this simple device had contributed to good health for so many years. I immediately placed it back on the electrical cord, to protect Janet, my mom and myself.

Electromagnetic fields from power lines, appliances, radars, televisions, microwaves, and other electrical devices are dangerous to your mental and physical health.
The incoherent electromagnetic pollution produced by man-made electricity is similar in effect to the glare produced by incoherent light. Incoherent life energy is a major hazard to basic bioelectrical functions and, like incoherent light, must be properly aligned (Polarized) to be optimally useful.

Your home and office are filled with electrical wiring and devices which create electromagnetic pollution.
These unnatural energy fields, especially those produced by alternating currents operating at 60 cycles per second, are suspected of causing depression, cancer, leukemia, psychosis, and other mental and physical problems in unsuspecting individuals.

Recent studies of mice exposed for 30 days to 60 cycle electromagnetic fields of the strength approximating those found near high voltage transmission lines revealed some startling conclusions.
Changes in hormone patterns, body weight, and blood chemistries appeared. These were signs of chronic stress. They also showed a steady increase in degenerative disease—particularly those related to a decreased competency of the immune system, such as cancer.

Over the last 15 years, there has been scattered media coverage about the dangers of electromagnetic pollution.
Many researchers and scientists in this field were persecuted and ridiculed for their dire warnings of the dangerous affects of electromagnetic energy fields on living creatures. In 1989, news broadcasts, radio programs, television specials, magazines, and newspapers covered the topic of electromagnetic fields and their affects on human beings. The “New Yorker,” “People,” “Infoworld,” “Newsweek,” and “Discover” magazines carried articles exposing the frightening results of recent scientific studies.

They addressed newfound fears about the harmful affects of electromagnetic pollution created by power lines, appliances, machines, and computers.
Dr. Becker, M.D., author of “Cross Currents” and one of the most respected research scientists in this area, stated, “We now live in a sea of electromagnetic radiation that we cannot sense and that never before existed on this earth. New evidence suggests that this massive amount of radiation may be producing stress, disease and other harmful effects all over the world by interfering with the most basic levels of brain function.”

In his book, “The Body Electric,” Dr. Becker expounded on this theory on harmful effects of EMF radiation.
He said, “These dangers must be brought into the open so forcefully that the entire population of the world is made aware of them. Since our civilization is irreversibly dependent on electronics, abolition of electromagnetic radiation is out of the question. However, as a first step in averting disaster, we must halt the introduction of new sources of electromagnetic energy while we investigate the biohazards of those we already have with a completeness and honesty that have so far been in short supply.” (page 328)

In “People Magazine,” in December of 1989, Paul Brodeur, author of the “Zapping of America” and the “Currents of Death” discussed the alleged dangers posed by electromagnetic fields generated by high current power lines, electric blankets, and computer video displays terminals (VDTs).
He said, “Anyone who lives or works in an electromagnetic field is at risk. VDTs first came under suspicion in the late 1970s and early 80s, when a dozen or so unexplained clusters of miscarriages and birth defects were found in groups of women who worked with computers. In one group of computer operators at Sears in Dallas, eight out of 12 pregnancies ended in miscarriage or neonatal death. In 1988, the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program did a study of 1,583 California women who worked 20 hours or more in a week with VDTs and found they stood an 80 percent greater chance of miscarrying than women who did similar work without VDTs.”

In the July/August 86 issue of “American Health,” Nancy Shute talked about a study done in Colorado by Nancy Wertheimer which linked high current power lines and transformers to cancer in children.
In the December 89 issue of “Discover Magazine,” David Noland explored updates in Wertheimer’s research which indicated that the homes most affected were those closest to the transformers serving the largest number of people. She believed that the more power being drawn, the greater the electromagnetic field and incidence of disease.

Automobiles, planes, buses, motorcycles, and planes are now being recognized as powerful generators and receivers of electromagnetic field pollution.
Microwave and radar transmitters, CB radios, and radar guns all produce harmful electromagnetic fields which are absorbed by the metal parts in the vehicles and aircraft. The metal body in most vehicles and planes is acts like an antenna and concentrates all the different types of electromagnetic radiation. The body is also the ground for the electrical system. The spark plugs in conventional combustion engines emit strong pulses of electromagnetic energy every time they fire, bombarding unsuspecting passengers. No wonder most people feel exhausted after long trips.

You are probably wondering how you can protect yourself, loved ones, and pets from this damaging unseen force.
Life Field Polarizers are a solution to the adverse effects of electromagnetic pollution. The large Life Field Polarizer polarizes the incoherent electromagnetic energy in a building, vehicle, boat, and plane. The small Personal Polarizer helps to protect your body whenever you are not in a safe polarized environment. They effectively combat the harmful affects of electromagnetic radiation. They properly align life energy and produce a supportive electromagnetic environment similar to that which existed before Edison activated his first electric utility plant in 1882.

The complex technology which goes into the production of the Polarizers is a culmination of many years of research, study, and development.
The manufacturing process is strictly controlled and each polarizer is individually tested for strength.
You can correct the radiation problems in a building or home by placing the Life Field Polarizer on top of any electrical cord plugged into the electrical circuit of the building. When placed on the floorboard of a car or plane, it provides amazing benefits.

The small Personal Polarizers protect you when you wear one or more on your body.
Many people report marvelous health benefits and increases in vital energy. Once the body is protected from EMF radiation and the biocomputer starts working correctly anything is possible.

No specific health claims are made for the Polarizers.
When a person experiences health benefits it is because the body and brain are working the way they were designed to operate by God.

We know the Polarizers work because so many people feel better when they become polarized.
Animals are also beneficially affected. Kirlian photography, muscle testing, acupuncture, and high-tech computers prove that polarization really helps living system. Subtle energy fields, when balanced and protected from harmful EMF, may be the missing link to health and vitality many are searching for. For more info on polarizers go to:

To Be Continued….